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FLASHFORWARD: Hadiyeh's hospital, London

The next time she awoke, she saw JJ sitting on the bedside chair with Jannah in his lap as she traced the green and blue veins on her mother's hand quietly waiting for her to wake up. 

"Hey baby," Her voice was muffled from under the oxygen mask but still audible.

"Mama!" Jannah squealed, her eyes widening, she was awake. 

"Hadiyeh," JJ whispered a tear dropping from his eyes. This time he was crying tears of joy, she was no longer dying, but living.

"Morning Handsome," She cooed, her hand trembling as she moved it to his face wiping away his tear, her cold hand coming into contain with his face, a smile on her lips, "It's okay, JJ."

He took her hand in his palm pressing a kiss to the back of her hand, "I missed you."

She smiled at the contact, finally being able to feel the touch. She had lost all of her senses whilst asleep, besides her ability to hear. Her lips were chapped and her mouth was dry, not to mention the scratchy hospital sheets did nothing to help her dry skin. 

They talked for almost an hour before the nurse enters the room, a bright joyful smile on her face, "You have visitors waiting for you outside."

JJ turns to Hadiyeh a sheepish smile on his face, "I kind of called everyone?"

She rolled her head back in laughter as she allowed the woman to let the guests in. "I'm glad you did."

And just then the first person to barge into the room is Saeedeh Ezra with Talia Mar hot on her tail, both excited to greet the conscious Hadiyeh.

"Hadiyeh Ezra!" Saeedeh looked like she contemplated slapping or hugging Hadiyeh, "Who allowed you to knock unconscious for two months?"

Oh, how Hadiyeh could never get tired of Saeedeh's voice ringing through the quiet room. 

"I'm awake and conscious now," Hadiyeh shrugged a smirk on her face, even at the worst of times she never lost confidence in herself.

"You timed in for Christmas too." Tobi chuckled entering the room with the lads, Josh behind everyone else dragging his feet along with him, he was a bit tipsy, the alcohol running through his head numbing him.

"They did always say I am a miracle." She grinned toothily hugging all of her friends as they all embraced Hadiyeh, her presence filling the hole in their hearts with joy.

They all talked merrily, laughing with glee and delight. After two long months of torture, she was back, awake, maybe still a bit unstable but that would come after she was taken off the medication; ready to take on the world and the challenges that would soon come hurling their way.

She watched her friends in awe and wonder. She, in her mind, applauded them for their courage of keeping it together during the time she was gone, but it was then she also realised that she truly found these people her family. She realised how treasured she truly was. Taking a deep breath she cleared her throat demanding the attention of the people in the room. 

"I want to raise a toast," She said, one hand holding JJ's and the other holding the cup of apple juice as the rest of the boys held their cups of alcohol, "To family, for this is not the family I was blessed with but the one that chose me." 

"You're so sappy," Ethan rolled his eyes as they all burst into laughter. 


They all erupted into cheers of joy and delight, their family becoming whole again.

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