Chapter One

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Yoongi shifts on his feet, throwing anxious glances between his watch face and the city street adjacent to him.

He stands a few meters away from the entrance leading into the upscale restaurant he'd been directed to with tense shoulders, frame shaking ever so slightly.

Not just from the cold; from the nerves.

He doesn't know what the hell he'd been thinking– where the bravery had come from– when he'd reached out to ask him if they could meet up.

He'd been a little tipsy, sure, so he tries to place the blame on that. If he's being honest with himself though, he was closer to sober than wasted.

He was feeling momentarily brave and selfish and wanted to see him. Needed to see him.

But with that impulsive bravery he'd overlooked the fact until after the plans were set– the response being an address and a 'Meet here at 8?' followed by a quick reply of 'I'll be there' on his part– that he'd realized what he'd done.

He wasn't going to be able to just see him.

Meeting up with him meant interacting with him. Meant having a conversation. And not just a conversation about then but also about now as well as what's coming next..

Sure it will probably consist of awkward small talk and life updates at first, but eventually they will have to talk about the heavy stuff.

The fact that he'd even agreed to meeting so easily implied to Yoongi that that stuff may not be just in the past and Yoongi was both terrified and thrilled to see if that was correct or not.

Yoongi doesn't even know if he'll be able to form words after he sees him let alone string them together to make sense.

He closes his eyes, taking a deep intake of breath to try to clear his racing thoughts. Maybe he's getting ahead of himself, thinking about the difficult conversations.

It's been so long since Yoongi has seen him. Surely his feelings will have lessened, perhaps even disappeared, by now.

He'd had his eyes closed as he took his deep breaths but the clearing of someone's throat brings him out of his meditation. His eyes snap open, immediately meeting a dark pair looking back at him.

Yoongi's heart stills and his knees threaten to buckle as he quickly gets lost in those gorgeous chocolatey round eyes.

He knows the tips of his ears are probably red, the same with his chest all the way to the apples of his cheeks, but his mind is too overwhelmed with seeing the man– because this is a man, not the timid boy Yoongi remembers– in front of him to be embarrassed about it.

God, he knew he'd missed him but he had no idea just seeing him would cause this sort of physical reaction.

They stand there, searching each other's eyes, taking in the other's features silently for what feels like hours. Yoongi wants to reach out and touch him, hug him– fucking kiss him– but he refrains.

He knows he has no right to do any of that. It would be wrong. So when he himself is the one being pulled into the other's warm embrace, Yoongi's a bit stunned. So much so that his arms do nothing but hang at his sides, hands closed into fists.

His heart is pounding wildly in his chest and he's sure the other man can feel it, but he can feel the other's is beating just as forcefully as Yoongi's and that brings him comfort.

Yoongi keeps his eyes wide, his lips slightly parted in shock, as the strong arms are unlocked from around him. When they are face to face again, it isn't Yoongi who speaks first.

"Hyung," he begins and his voice sounds so honey sweet and deep– definitely deeper than Yoongi remembered it being and he truly does feel that he's on the verge of collapsing.

The other pauses, then lets out a breath in a thick puff before continuing.

"What took you so long?"

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