Chapter Nineteen

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The air around Jungkook feels weighted.

Like a net woven with threads of lead has been cast over his being, smothering him.

The only sound in his office that can be heard is the creaking of his chair as he leans into the backrest.

His hands are steepled against his lips while he rests his elbows on the arm rests of the chair.

His body is angled towards the large tinted windows, eyes fixed out of the small gap between the curtains that he'd drawn together not long ago.

Actually, it could have been hours since he'd done that. He isn't really sure how long it's been since he'd gotten up from his seat.

Or when he even arrived back at his desk really.

(He had a faint thought to look from the window to the wall clock across the room but it had been difficult enough to tear his eyes away from the magazine on his desk towards his window.)

He'd come into work well before he usually would and got started on some digital mockups he was helping a colleague with for a new high rise on the far side of the city.

It was a 3-D digital model of the building and although his colleague did the bulk of the work as far as getting the outside of the building to scale and fairly detailed in its appearance, there was still a fair amount left to do.

They didn't need this to be completed and ready to present for close to a month but Jungkook was happy to have something to actively work on that wasn't related to the work he's agreed to do for-

Damn. Now he's back full circle to the situation he's been racking his brain about, scrounging for a solid method to handle it all.

Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung and his kindness.

Kim Taehyung and his concern for Jungkook.

Kim Taehyung and his somber tone as he'd reverently read to Jungkook what was written about his brother.


Around mid morning Mr. Kang came to Jungkook's office, asking if he had a few minutes to talk.

Jungkook will always have a few minutes– it's usual sixty or so of them though– when it comes to Mr. Kang.

With a smile and a friendly handshake, Jungkook welcomed the older man into his office, gesturing for him to take a seat.

They exchanged pleasantries at first. Nothing of real sustenance, talking idly about how things were going with Jungkook's new assistant– "still getting used to having someone to do things for me" had been Jungkook's answer.

How he was liking his new car– "it's nice. Warmer than my motorcycle" was the younger man's response to that question– before the man had gotten into why he was actually there.

"I don't want to take up too much of your time. I just came by to deliver this," Mr. Kang had said as he reached into the binder he carried with him everywhere he went.

The blue one that had all of his schedules, to-do lists and other important documents.

When he withdrew his hand, Jungkook recognized that is was the magazine.

"I wanted to give it to you myself..." he had commented quietly; soft, careful eyes watching Jungkook.

Jungkook had gulped as he stared at the brightly colored cover art as Mr. Kang extended the publication out to him.

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