Chapter Four

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Jungkook holds his head high as he walks into the impressive high rise.

His company wasn't part of the construction of this particular building as far as he is aware, but he can appreciate the craftsmanship of the architect who did design the place.

It's immaculate.

As he stands behind a gentleman at the front desk of the lobby who also seems to be checking in for an appointment for one of the offices in the building, he continues to admire the space.

Light grey marble floors work well to reflect the light that floods in through the slightly tinted glass doors he'd come in through.

They also help disperse the brightness coming from the intricate, large light fixtures recessed into the high ceiling. It truly is a beautiful building.

When he hears the man's dress shoes begin to click as he steps away from the desk, Jungkook steps forward.

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment?" She asks, sounding professional yet still friendly.

Jungkook looks at her, studies her for a moment. She looks familiar but he can't quite place her.

Before it becomes awkward that he's been staring too long he answers that yes, he does have an eleven o'clock appointment.

"Oh I see, for JK Drafting & Design?" She clarifies, to which Jungkook nods with a smile.

"It seems you are a bit early, but he will appreciate that," she smiles. "If you take the second elevator on the left, his office is on the seventh floor."

With a nod and a smile, Jungkook thanks her for her help before stepping away to get to the elevator.

When he gets to the seventh floor he is met with another reception desk, a gentleman sitting behind it this time, who confirms his appointment again.

He's then shown to a conference room and asked to take a seat.

"We have notified him of your arrival and he should be in any time."

After declining the offer for a water or coffee, the gentleman takes his leave, allowing Jungkook to have the room to himself to go over his plan.

It has been a week since his meeting with Yoongi and it was amazing how easily things had come together, what information they were able to find, in that time.

As Yoongi had informed, within a few days after their dinner together his engagement was announced.

At that point, Jungkook had already gathered some clues as to who Yoongi was to wed. The news article simply confirmed it.

As soon as he'd discovered the identity of the mystery fiancé it was immediately apparent why Yoongi hadn't shared the name with him.

If Jungkook had walked away that night knowing who the man was, he would have done something irrational. Acted without thought.

Today, that is far from the case. This meeting is just the beginning.

The first step is to align himself and the fiancé professionally.

Get closer to him through working together– Jungkook having a reason to be around the man professionally– will open the door for them to possibly, if everything goes as planned, become friends on a more personal level.

That's the main goal because then he can be closer to Yoongi. Erode their relationship from the inside, hopefully pushing his fiancé out of the picture so he can take the other's place at Yoongi's side.

Flipping through the binder he's prepared with his job proposal, some sketches for reference purposes and a few other documents that make up a solid business plan, the door to the conference room opens.

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