Chapter Eleven

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"Did you like your surprise?" Taehyung grins as he dabs the water from his hands with a towel.

Yoongi raises his gaze from his book to look towards the doorway of their master bathroom where Taehyung is stood.

You mean how you invited a man who fully intends to break us up to a party celebrating our engagement? That surprise? He immediately thinks as he pulls his lips into a tight lipped smile.

He decides to play dumb instead of saying what he's actually thinking.

"My surprise?"

"Yeah!" Taehyung exclaims, dropping the towel he'd just been using next to the sink instead of hanging it up (something Yoongi has repeatedly requested him not to do.)

Before Yoongi can comment on the towel though, Taehyung quickly assures that "I did not forget to hang it up, I'm just not done with it yet!"

With a chuckle, Yoongi sits up higher on his pillows, lays his book on his chest– careful not to lose the page he's on– and levels his eyes on Taehyung, giving him his full attention.

Taehyung smiles adoringly at him in that lovesick-puppy way he does, making Yoongi blush and move his eyes to the doorframe behind him.

The way Taehyung looks at him sometimes is quite overwhelming.

"You were saying?" He mumbles with flushed cheeks as he clears his throat, trying to refocus his thoughts.

"Sorry," Taehyung exhales, not sounding one but apologetic. "I just love you so much."

"I know, little Taelien. You tell me that every day," Yoongi smiles back, outstretching his arms towards the man.

Taehyung is at his side in an instant, not bothering to get under the covers as he drapes himself over Yoongi.

"You haven't called me that since we were kids," Taehyung laughs happily.

"Quite honestly I'd forgotten about it until Jinnie reminded me last night while he teased me about our quote 'disgustingly sappy pet names.'"

"You know..." Taehyung smirks speaking in a lowered tone, looking over his shoulder then around the room cautiously before looking back at Yoongi. "Hyung's not here, so you don't have to call him that."

Yoongi lets out a genuine laugh, hitting Taehyung lightly on the arm. "No matter what he's told you I don't call him that because he threatened me to! I have nicknames for everyone. I called him that first of my own accord." He informs, pouting his lips out unhappily. "I am not scared of him like he tells everyone I am. I'm just respectful towards my elders-"

Taehyung's soft lips on his end his rant before it starts because Taehyung knows that's where the conversation was heading.

He isn't sure if Yoongi does it on purpose or what, but the man seems to love going off on random tangents.

Better to stop him early or you risk the whole night being shot.

"Hey!" He pouts harder when Taehyung pulls away.

When Taehyung looks at him, he observes that it looks like Yoongi's gearing up to talk about Jin again, so he brings up a new subject.

"You and hyung were wonderful hosts. I know I'm a bit biased, but you were the very best if I had to choose between you."

"I've never 'hosted' anything before but I feel like hiding from your guests in the kitchen is not how it's done..." Yoongi frowns slightly, worrying his bottom lips.

"No, you were great! The most important job of a host is to make sure there is enough food and drinks for everyone. I think we were a great team. Very efficient. I made sure to thank everyone I could who had come, indulging in light conversation and all that boring stuff while you kept the kitchen in order.

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