Chapter Five

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With his morning meetings finished, it also having been a few hours after the one with Jungkook, Taehyung is finally able to head back to his office for a much needed break.

On his way, he stops at Soobin's desk to request that he hold his calls for the next few hours so he can get some work done undisturbed and to let him know when Yoongi gets there.

When Soobin informs him that Yoongi is already waiting for him in his office, he smiles in relief.

He's glad he won't have to wait any longer to see his sweet hyung.

He thanks Soobin for his good work, as he does numerous times every day, before hurrying to his office.

As soon as he opens the door– probably a bit more eagerly than necessary– he has to stop himself from cooing out loud at the sight he's met with.

He isn't sure how long Yoongi has been waiting– he'd failed to ask Soobin that question before rushing off– but it was long enough that he has curled up on the suede sofa in Taehyung's office, the fuzzy blanket Taehyung keeps stored in the coat closet in the corner tucked tightly around his frame.

Taehyung hovers in the doorway, admiring the sleeping beauty before softly shutting and locking the door behind him– simply as a precaution.

He would not put it past his C.O.O. to come track him down– despite Soobin telling him he was unavailable– asking for immediate assistance on something that could likely wait until later.

He'd briefly noticed the containers of food on the table, recognizing them as some from his apartment which means Yoongi had made the lunch himself.

He makes a mental note to make sure to tell Jungkook to include a large kitchen, one any chef would be jealous of, to the house plans until he remembers seeing Jungkook write something down about a kitchen.

He's grateful that detail wasn't missed.

He smiles to himself at the thought of he and Yoongi cooking meals at the end of a long day or making Sunday brunch together.

Yoongi and his bright, pretty smile that is just for Taehyung in those moments. Whatever he did to deserve such a kind hearted man is beyond him.

Yoongi may have some faults– some habits Taehyung isn't the happiest about– but above all else, Yoongi is patient, compassionate and genuine.

Taehyung can imagine no better qualities in a husband.

They'd known each other for years; growing up running around with the same groups of kids in the neighborhood, despite Yoongi being a couple years older than himself.

They'd always sort of danced around each other, sharing shy glances and short conversations, which was very uncharacteristic for Taehyung.

He was an extrovert, Yoongi was not. Still is not.

Taehyung had always been drawn to the quiet, beautiful boy, but because of the older's reclusive nature, it threw Taehyung off his flirt game exponentially.

With anyone else flirting and asking them out was easy, but not when it came to Yoongi.

He never quite figured out how best to approach him.

He's mostly grown out of the habit now, but Taehyung can be excitable with a tendency to come on a bit strong and over eager.

This is especially the case when he is interested in something and him being interested in Yoongi was and is a massive understatement.

When Yoongi graduated and went away to college they lost touch. Taehyung was not only devastated but disappointed in himself that he never told Yoongi how he felt.

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