Chapter Seventeen

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Jungkook was seated with his back against his front door, hugging his knees to his chest, when he hears his phone begin to buzz from the kitchen.

He was still in a bit of a daze, head spinning as he attempted to process the events of the night so he didn't really register that it was his phone making the humming noise until the call had passed.

When it began to buzz again, he'd gotten up in time to answer but he ended up just staring at the screen for a long moment, stomach tied in knots, as he read and re-read the contact name.

He stood unmoving for so long that he missed answering that call too.

It was Taehyung calling. It wasn't until the missed call notification came up that his mind cleared up enough for his thoughts to flash to the fact that he had just called multiple times.

Was it about Yoongi? Was he okay? Did he make it home? Did something happen?!

Fuck, Jungkook should have tried harder to talk him into staying somehow then taken him home himself once they sobered up a little.

Just as he was about to call him back, Taehyung called again. This time Jungkook answered immediately.

The first thing he'd asked was if Yoongi was okay and if he made it home safely.

Taehyung had chuckled, thanked Jungkook for making sure Yoongi didn't drive home in the state he was in before he asked if he or his assistant may be able to come by in the morning to pick up Yoongi's phone when they come to bring his car home.

Jungkook hadn't realized Yoongi didn't have his phone, but after taking a moment to flit his eyes around the kitchen and over the dining table, he saw it lying there; screen black and forgotten.

He told Taehyung he went into work at nine– he'll probably end up going in earlier since he doubts he'll get any sleep tonight– and he would leave the phone at the front desk in the lobby of his building before he'd ended the call as politely yet quickly as he could.

After the call ends he realizes... Taehyung thanked him for taking care of Yoongi.

He fucking thanked him!

That likely means Yoongi hasn't told him anything. At least not yet.

Jungkook wonders if he will. Or when.

He sighs. He'll have to deal with whatever an angry or hurt Taehyung looks like when that happens.

He wonders if Taehyung is a physical guy, if he would try to kick Jungkook's ass, or if he would be more of a revenge type of guy.

Maybe use his influence in the business world to damage Jungkook's reputation or something... or both.

One thing Jungkook is sure of is that if Taehyung was aware of what happened between he and Yoongi gratitude would be the furthest thing from his mind.

Instead, for now, Taehyung is thankful, sounding so genuine and kind that it made Jungkook's stomach roll.

After ending the call, he'd tossed his phone onto the counter to go to his bathroom. He was sweaty with nerves and guilt and he needed a shower.

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