Chapter Six

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There are two days left until the party.

Jungkook stubbornly refuses to refer to it as an engagement dinner, or accept the engagement at all, but he does plan on going.

Even if he wanted to, there's no way his heart would allow him to miss this. Miss an opportunity to see Yoongi all pretty and dressed up.

Even if he'll be on an arm that isn't his.

A raised voice from his bathroom brings him out of his fantasizing of Yoongi.

"Can you bring me my clothes? I think I left them on the bed."

Jungkook lazily turns his attention away from his window towards his bed.

After briefly scanning the mussed up sheets and bedding his eyes fall on the small stack of clothing he recognizes as not being his.

Picking them up, he walks the clothes to the bathroom wordlessly.

He walks through the open door, right up to the counter adjacent to the frosted glass shower.

His eyes briefly scan the smooth, lightly marked up, soapy skin of the man standing under the stream of water.

His dick twitches slightly with interest but, despite the physical reaction, he isn't really in the mood to do anything about it.

He lets him know the clothes are by the sink before taking his leave, shutting the door that had previously been left open behind him.

He then walks to his kitchen, in the mood for a tangerine or two as he waits for his guest to be done showering.

Just as he starts peeling the second fruit, he hears the padding of footsteps.

"Ah," he hears from behind. "Tangerines. You only eat those when you're missing him."

"That's not true," Jungkook quickly denies– stuffing half of the sphere into his mouth– knowing full well that's exactly why he was eating them.

There was a time when Yoongi barely ate anything but the small, sweet fruits. Jungkook used to crave the taste of them.

Not the sweet citrus of the fruit itself, but the taste they would leave on Yoongi's lips.

The way they would flavor his tongue when it would twirl so perfectly with his own. The way he'd taste like candy–

"You're thinking of him again," he hears Jimin say, a hint of judgment in his tone.

He averts his attention to his friend, only to follow his gaze to where he's looking at his obviously semi-hard cock in his sweats.

"Have you ever wondered if you're actually in love with him or if you're just extremely infatuated? There is a difference between the two."

Jungkook isn't able to answer right away to tell him he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about as he had just popped the other half of the Tangerine in his mouth.

He chews it furiously, swallowing quickly to deliver his comeback, but the other interjects first.

"Just a thought. Nothing to get worked up about. Anyway, it's nice to know my other theory was correct," he smirks. "I thought I heard you say his name last night. Guess I was right."

Jungkook's eyes widen at that. Sure, he was and has been thinking of Yoongi quite a bit more– if that were possible– since he'd met with him, but he didn't realize that aside from him thinking of Yoongi last night he'd actually said his name.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't- I didn't realize-"

Jimin just waves it off, laughing lightly. "It's fine. Granted, it doesn't feel the best when someone is balls deep in your ass and moans someone else's name, but it's not like we're a couple. It's not a big deal."

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