Chapter Twenty-One

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Making his way down the road and out of the neighborhood he's become very familiar with over the last couple of days, Jungkook hums along to the trot song playing over the sound system in his car.

It's the neighborhood his brother's house, which was originally their maternal grandparents' house, is nestled in.

The morning after he spoke with Namjoon he went into the office bright and early so he could sit down with Mr. Kang before the older man got too busy.

He needed to talk to him about leaving for a while. Let him know that he really needed some time away from the city – particularly someone in the city, but he left that part out – for a while.

Mr. Kang was expectedly understanding, telling Jungkook that he'd be grateful if he would check in with him when he could but that if it was a vacation completely away from anything to do with work he would understand if Jungkook wasn't wanting to keep in touch with him and would support that too.

Jungkook assured him he would be fine to work while he was away. That he would keep up with all current projects while he was out, he just needed a change of scenery.

Mr. Kang asked where Jungkook was going to go, rattling off various guesses between popular tourist destinations and, although Jungkook had considered those, when he really thought about where he wanted to go only one place came to mind.

"I'm going to Busan."

He hadn't asked any further questions after hearing that, only offering a kind, understanding smile.

"Take your time." Had been his reply.

With that Jungkook was excused from the office for the foreseeable future.

Because he hadn't slept the night before talking to Mr. Kang he already had his car packed and ready to go.

He wasn't sure how long he was going to stay at the house. If Busan would be the only place he stayed at or if maybe he did want to go somewhere outside of the country.

For now he was content here. It's peaceful.

And it makes him feel close to his parents, his mother in particular, and Yonjun.

He'd stayed with his brother in this home a few times after he'd purchased it.

He loved visiting then and he loves it now.

He's left the house today with nothing but his wallet, his phone gladly left behind somewhere in the house. He isn't certain of its exact location but he'll find if when he gets back.

He's only planning on being gone for a few hours and it's not like he's really used it since he left the city anyway.

The last person he spoke to as well as the only person trying to get ahold of him is Jimin and Jungkook knows all his friend wants to do is talk him into coming back.

He means well, Jungkook knows that, but Jimin berating him about where he's gone and how long he'll be away isn't helping with his already fragile mood.

He left Seoul to get some space to think and sort things out.

Get his emotions sorted and maybe convince himself to let Yoongi go.

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