Chapter Twelve

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Monday morning, just before eight, Yoongi calls Jungkook.

Not at his office, but on his cellphone and within just a couple rings, he picks up, sounding half asleep and very annoyed.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Good morning to you too," Yoongi replies in a flat tone.

"What can I do for you? Hopefully something simple because I'd really like to get back to sleep."

"Don't you have work today?"

"I have a meeting at nine thirty so I don't have to be in until then," he answers before Yoongi hears him yawn obnoxiously loud. "So I repeat, what can I do for you so I can get a bit more sleep?"

Hm. Still not a morning person I see. Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"We need to talk."

"Now?" Jungkook groans in annoyance.

"No, not now. I was thinking later today. Maybe around five?"

The line is quiet for longer than Yoongi thinks is necessary before he hears an answer.

"I wanted to talk at the party, but you walked away," Jungkook comments, sounding much more awake than he was previously, but still just as annoyed.

"I wasn't ready then but I am now. I want us to get everything out in the open. No more miscommunications or misunderstandings. I want an open and honest conversation as well as to establish our boundaries." Because clearly you are under the impression there are none Yoongi thinks but doesn't add.

He's trying to be cordial, not hostile.

"'Open and honest.' I can do that." Jungkook audibly smiles. Or smirks.

Yoongi is a little torn on which one he's hearing. What Yoongi is sure about is that Jungkook blatantly ignores what he's said about boundaries.

"But five won't work for me," the younger sighs. "I usually avoid scheduling meetings too late into the afternoon but I have one today at four and the gentleman tends to talk a lot."

"Wouldn't needing to leave for another meeting be a great excuse to cut his rambling short?" Yoongi muses.

"Usually yes but this is a meeting with Mr. Kang. I will sit in that room for three hours listening to anything he has to tell me if needed. Business related or not." He comments and Yoongi immediately understands.

Kang Kiyong is the K in JK Drafting & Design.

He is the one who gave Jungkook the opportunity, the chance, to head up the company after his brother passed.

When no one else believed Jungkook could possibly succeed– him having no practical experience to speak of, only his business degree– he has proven them all wrong.

He has been nothing but successful and much of that success can be attributed to the tools and guidance offered to him by Mr. Kang.

"I understand," Yoongi purses his lips in thought. "How about this. I'm free anytime after three-thirty. Just send me a text, or call if you'd rather, and I'll come to the office. Sound good?"

Another unnecessarily long pause followed by an exasperated huff.

"Do we have to meet at the office?" He answers and there's that displeased whine again. "I have a busy day and I'd rather just go home when work is over."

Immediately, red flags are flashing in Yoongi's mind. Many red flags.

Going to Jungkook's house? Being in his territory instead of somewhere more public? Somewhere less intimate?

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