Chapter Three

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Mindlessly studying the menu– appearing as if he were indulging in the most interesting piece of literature in the world– Yoongi avoids looking up despite being able to feel eyes on him.

He'd been taken back that the first thing the younger had said was "What took you so long?"

Really? Of all the things he could have said or asked, he'd decided on that?

It shouldn't annoy Yoongi as much as it does.

Yoongi had assumed Jungkook knew what's been going on. Keeping tabs on him somehow since he had the means to do so.

Perhaps even knowing already why he is in the city, but that question makes him think Jungkook has no idea.

Or he simply doesn't care.

If that's the case then it seems Jungkook hasn't changed much at all from the immature early twenty year old he used to be, which would be a pity because Yoongi had a faint flicker of hope that they could be friends at the very least.

If he can't have Jungkook the way he used to he at least wants them to be on speaking terms.

For them to be civil. Maybe that isn't going to work either. Yoongi's eyes snap up when he hears his name.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

A soft smile graces Jungkook's lips. "I was just saying I was surprised to hear from you but so happy when I saw your message."

Yoongi gulps, nodding his head before he looks back at the menu.

Silence falls between them again just before the waitress comes back with their drink orders, Jungkook orders his favorite steak entree he always gets while Yoongi gets the same.

As soon as she sets down their glasses of wine Yoongi picks his up to take a few sips. He's still anxious and doesn't know how to start the conversation.

He came here with somewhat of a plan on what to say, but seeing Jungkook across from him now, looking so unfairly handsome and older, he's kind of at a loss, forgetting what his plan was.

Luckily– or unluckily– Jungkook starts first.

"Will you be in the city for a while?"

And that... that is something that if Yoongi recalls correctly was three or four topics down on his list of things to talk about.

With a sigh, he averts his eyes to the side. "I'll be, um. I'll be here a while..."

He can see through the corner of his eye Jungkook's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.


Yoongi nods shortly. He hesitates before gathering the nerve to look up to meet Jungkook's eyes.

After answering, he quickly wishes he didn't.

"I'm moving here... Or, I have moved here," He presses his lips together.

His heart clenches when he sees the way Jungkook's expression lights up and how his jaw drops just a little in awe.

"Does that mean I'll get to see you more?" Jungkook asks in a quieter voice and that, that makes Yoongi's heart really flutter.

"Kook," he gulps, the name rolling off of his tongue so easily it takes him by surprise. "We can't- things are... different now. I'd be up to seeing you more, but not in the way I think you're hoping."

Jungkook tenses at that. "And what do you think I was hoping?"

Yoongi opens his mouth to answer when the waitress reappears.

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