Chapter Fourteen

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It's been around three minutes Yoongi would guess since he's stepped into Jungkook's penthouse and he has yet to say a word.

At first he was rendered speechless by the smell.

But besides being hit with the nostalgic smell of food, he was also struck with the sight of the gorgeous man.

He had his blonde hair (Yoongi forgot about the fucking blonde hair) parted so his forehead was exposed– which was devastating enough– but then... then there's what he is wearing.

Although Yoongi may have failed to pay enough attention to Jungkook's hair when he surprisingly showed up at their party, he did remember Jungkook's tight pants and flowy button down with the sleeves rolled up.

Even when they went to dinner before he was dressed nicely– they both were– but now he is in his clothes. The clothes that were and have always been just so Jungkook.

These are the clothes Yoongi remembers Jungkook wearing back then.

His t-shirt where the sleeves stop just above his elbow to show the expanse of tattoos on his forearm.

His black pants with the cargo pockets on each leg that taper at the ankles. The ones that fit to his legs just enough to show their definition without being "constricting" he used to say.

These are the things Yoongi is used to seeing Jungkook in. This is the Jungkook Yoongi remembers.

This is the man who found his way into Yoongi's little world and swept him off his feet so suddenly it made his head spin.

This Jungkook opening the door floored him, and now he's forgotten how to form words.

He's been silent since the door was opened, but Jungkook hasn't seemed to mind.

In fact Yoongi is pretty sure he has been and is suppressing a grin even now as he fries two eggs, one for each of them, on the stove.

He blinks in surprise as he watches the younger place each egg atop one of the bowls of rice, vegetables and meat before doing the same with the other.

When he turns to Yoongi, each bowl in hand, Yoongi is still speechless.

Jungkook clears his throat, looking from Yoongi to the bowls of food, almost insecurely.

"I try to keep the ingredients on hand because, as you know, not only is this one of the only things I've mastered how to cook, it is also my comfort meal."

Yoongi nods, watching as Jungkook makes his way to the round dinner table, setting both bowls down near two sets of chopsticks and a few napkins that have been set out for them.

"I remember," Yoongi gulps, voice nearly cracking, still not moving from his spot near the opening to the kitchen. "Your brother would make this for you and taught you the recipe. You made it quite a lot."

"Only for you," Jungkook smiles softly, speaking in a lowered voice.

Yoongi sputters, watching dumbly as Jungkook stands up straight to look at him.

"I don't know if you've eaten already but I'd really like it if you had dinner with me. And before you protest, I'd like to point out that the dinner table is one of the best places to have conversations; which is the goal of tonight, is it not?"

Yoongi moves his eyes between Jungkook and the table a couple times before agreeing with a quiet "Okay," walking slowly to the table. Jungkook doesn't move to sit down until Yoongi does, but just as he's about to be seated, he stands back up.

"Drinks!" He exclaims suddenly. "I forgot drinks. Do you want water; Coke; milk; whiskey; soju-"

"Water is perfect, Kook."

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