Chapter Seven

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"Those lights need to be strung across the back patio. And make sure they are far away from the standing heaters, please! I really don't want to have to call the fire department for something that could have easily been avoided," Yoongi
instructs the two girls helping with the decorating.

He wrings his hands anxiously as he scans around the living room.

The day of the party has finally come and there is so much going on. So many people.

Some setting up a small cocktail bar, others unloading boxes of various bottles of alcohol along with the necessary vessels for drink mixing while another group sets up platter displays with finger foods in the kitchen.

Their apartment may be spacious but there is some rearranging being done in order to make it all more accommodating for a larger group of people.

The bigger pieces of furniture– such as their sectional sofa and the coffee table– have been removed from the space, replaced with various tall tables and stools placed around the outside of the room for alternative seating as well as to keep the center of the room clear for mingling.

There are some arm chairs mixed in for additional, more comfortable seating as well.

They have the large glass doors that lead out to a spacious patio– which will be lit with tea lights and warmed by heaters– with additional lounge furniture and a grill where meats will be served from.

(The addition of grilled meat rather than just finger sandwiches and sushi they'd originally planned was Taehyung's doing as a little surprise for Yoongi.

Although Taehyung enjoys meat, Yoongi loves to eat and grill so Taehyung wanted to make sure that was part of their little celebration.)

They'd originally planned it to be more of an intimate gathering where they'll share a meal with friends, maybe make a few toasts, something more intimate.

Those were the old plans. Things have had to change slightly because Taehyung– the sweet, sociable man he is– has been adding to their guest list.

So much so that it would be a very tight fit to have set up the amount of tables and chairs they would need in order to have a sit-down meal with their invited guests.

So, now the plan is to have more of an open-house type of get together instead.

With every section of the room he sees he becomes more and more anxious but he's trying to trust Taehyung's assurance that this is going to be rather small get together with close friends only and he would just rather have too much food and drinks than not enough.

He also promised that as soon as Yoongi had reached his limit for social interaction he would whisk him away from the noise and the people.

Those words at the time put Yoongi immensely at ease and he's trying his best to remember that promise with every tray of food brought through the front door and every glass being stacked behind the bar, clean and ready to be filled.

When someone asks him when the guests are expected he looks at his watch and seeing the time, he begins to panic even more than he already was.

"The invitations said eight, but I would expect guests to start trickling in a bit closer to eight thirty," Taehyung's calming drawl comes from behind Yoongi at the same time his arms wrap around him.

Yoongi immediately spins around, pressing his cheek flush with Taehyung's chest as he takes a few breaths.

Taehyung rubs his back soothingly, understanding instantly that Yoongi is beginning to feel overwhelmed with the amount of activity going on around him.

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