Struggle continues ......

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When Anokhi arrived back after the whole ficso at SIAC, she found her luggage all packed up and waiting at the entrance of the house. She saw Vineet and his mother sitting in the sofa, as soon as they saw her Vineet told her that she can no longer live in this house, Anokhi retaliated and ask him for her rent money back which they refused and told her that if she didn't leave, they will throw Babli also out of the house with her. They had already locked Babli inside and she knew that definitely Vineet would have hit her too. And then she saw a message from Babli in her mobile, she was asking her to move out rather than dealing with these ruthless people, Babli feared Vineet's violent streak, she couldn't tolerate him doing that to Anokhi. And in favour of her sister's well being and roof over her sisters head for time being, till she was capable enough to pull her out of this mess, Anokhi left. She had no money no where to go, Vineet had already taken the Kangans from her. As she moved out, she saw Babli message her again, she called her to a small ventilator towards her room and as soon as Anokhi arrived, she saw an envelope wrapped in plastic thrown out, very quickly she picked it up and confirmed to Babli that she got some packet. Anokhi opened the envelope and saw it had 5000 rupees bundled up there. Her Babli Di even in such situation was thinking about her, she stood next to the same wall, this hardened her resolve to make something of her life to liberate not only herself but also her sister and mother out of this misery out of the hell they were. And then she received another message from Babli stating that they might stay in contact for a while as Vineet will definitely take away her phone, but she will call her whenever she gets a chance, right now Vineet is just outside so she is ot calling. Anokhi felt bad for her Babli di, what monster had her father married her Di too. She thought, even these 5000 rupees would not help her sustain here for long, a decent hotel, now that she had some experience would at least cost 500 rupees per night and that would hardly last her for 10 days and then what about food and other expenses, she couldn't take a hotel and then who knew what hotel was how, but then she had to think fast, she decided to put herself up at the police station bench for night and then she could use the restroom of the nearby bus interchange that would be the safest in case she doesn't find any accommodation by tonight and  then tomorrow again she will go and look for some accommodation in 2000 or 3000 rupees and a job too, priorities in matter of last four hours had changed fast for her, denial of admission at SIAC meant start of second year vacant seat hunting at colleges again and that too before admission dates close and then it might take time for the scholarship to be transferred if at all everything else works out, but today admission was now secondary, accommodation and job was more urgent need.

Anokhi strolled from one place to other with luggage looking for accommodations, it was already 9.30 pm and she had found nothing, every accommodation seen so far was beyond the money she had with her right now, even if she stretched to 5000 rupees, she wouldn't make it. She had asked for pawn value of her gold earrings, the only thing she had with her for extremely bad time and unfortunately they would only fetch her another 2000 rupees. She arrived back and settled herself inside the small covered patio just in right side of entrance with a sole bench outside the police station, it was little off the road, built for people waiting for their turn at the police station. 

On the other side, it was 10.30pm, Shaurya had been disturbed and off since the whole fisco and had gone driving to get it off him. And when it didn't help he stopped the car and came out and stood leaning against the side bonnet with closed eyes hoping to find some solace and closure to the storm in him. And that moment a pickpocketer took advantage of his closed eyes and pulled out his mobile from his pocket, Shaurya held his hand in time but then the pickpocketer acted smart and hurled some soil in his eyes and escaped from his grip and ran away, by the time Shaurya recovered, the pickpocketer has disappeared. Shaurya groaned in frustration, this was the last thing he wanted tonight. Cursing the petty pickpocketer he got inside the car and drove to the police station to launch an FIR. As soon as he was done with the FIR, he was quickly heading towards his car to go home thinking Badi maa will get worried if she wouldn't be able to call him. But his steps halted the next second, he reversed his last few steps back and the scene held him frozen. Ms. Anokhi Bhalla was sleeping curled up in a sweatshirt hoodie over her suite from the morning, her head on top of her suitcase, a book held open on top of her chest by her locked palms. He couldn't stop himself and navigated closer and he saw more, she had spread a few newspapers and a black shawl on top of it and laid herself on it taking her suitcase as a pillow, she must have been reading the book in her hand when she dozed off. He read the title of the book "Microeconomics Theory" and then looked at her innocent yet pale face, he saw the small pepper spray firmly clasped in her locked palms over her book. All the angels in him came crashing on him, the guilt born this morning now grew bigger, hundred questions popped up in his head "Why is she here? She has a guardian here? Then why is she sleeping here like this? Does dad know about it? Of Course not, Does Aastha Sabherwal? Of course not. But why didn't she call her Shaan Sir? Dad that day told she had no one so he allowed her to sleep in library? Buy yesterday she was staying in that house, I guess her brother in law's, the one in the morning at the college? Then why is she here now? Did she really stole? Is that why she is here? Or is it because what happened at SIAC today? But this is different, she is here sleeping in open, is it her ego? Is it bigger than calling Dad for help" and the angel in him answered "It is not ego, it is self respect, this morning you had questioned it, how do you expect her to forget all that and call your Dad asking for help so that you could humiliate her more?" then he connected the dots, she was living here with her sister and brother in law who he saw in the morning at SIAC and possibly he had thrown her out and then even his mom, meant Aastha Sabherwal was worried in the morning about her accommodation, did Aastha Sabharwal knew about this, this meant she knew Anokhi had no means to put herself up somewhere, then why didn't she call and tell dad, she had called dad for Anokhi before? Was he wrong? Was there a possibility that none of them were trying to take advantage of dad? The angel in him chided him again "She was in trouble, you Shaurya Sabherwal pushed her further deep in it, this is not something that any girl would do for fun? It has to be compelling hardship that she is sleeping here like this, there is no restroom, it is cold, not safe ..." and he reached out to wake her up and help her but then the devil in him stopped him "Shaurya Sabherwal, remember she had refused Makhan for help back then, she wanted to stay outside the police station, so let it be, she will not take help from you."

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