Aastha ma'am?

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Shaurya on the other hand has been struggling with his longing for Aastha, having known the truth now had given him closure, the open wounds and the hurt that resided in him had started to heal but along with that the longing for Aastha was growing, but he wasn't able to gather enough courage to reach out to Aastha, he had tried calling her thrice, but on all three occasions he couldn't even say hello and finally cut the call. His apprehensions and his behaviour in the past with Aastha restrained him from reaching out to her. He didn't know where to start, what to say, how to approach her. And then if that was not enough there was fear of rejection and abandonment. What if what he had given to his mom Aastha, she reciprocated back that hate to him, what if she rejected him for the individual he was now today. What if she doesn't accept him. He had new baggage on his conscience. And if that wasn't enough his heart that had been recently healed, was chained by fear of being rejected again. He contemplated going to Kapurthala and asking for forgiveness, but the last time he did, he had even failed to gather courage to meet her and then the emotional turmoil, it left him so vulnerable and he didn't have enough in him to face that or fight those demons.

Shaan had volunteered to help him, though he hadn't said a word to him about his vulnerability, he had understood it, but Shaurya refused him, he knew he had to cross this bridge by himself and secondly he didn't wanted to fail Shaan again, his fears weren't his alone, he knew just like him Shaan will also be broken if Mrs. Aastha Sabherwal will reject her own son this time for his actions of past.

Anokhi was all settled in the campus and SIAC, it was almost 7-8 weeks now. She was doing great other than some backlashing and non acceptance from Bebo Kitty gang. It was one fine evening, the campus was almost empty, students had left for the day and Anokhi was winding up the canteen and completing the inventory, cleanup and stocking, so that she could also leave for the day when Shaurya arrived strolling to the canteen, he had an important meeting for Patiala campus tomorrow and had been preparing for it, hence stayed late, he was almost done when constant thought of his mother came visiting back, he hadn't done anything yet and out of the blue while passing the canteen he saw Anokhi and something urged him to navigate to her.

Anokhi was almost done and was about to close the cashier counter, when she saw Shaurya Sir arriving in the canteen.

Anokhi- Sir aap yahan? Iss time?

Shaurya- Haan wo main bas jaa raha tha toh ......

Anokhi- I am sorry sir, wo canteen is closed, all the cooks have left for the day, but I can get you tea/coffee with some sandwiches?

Shaurya hadn't even formulated what he wanted to talk to her, what he wanted to ask, so he decided to go along to kick start some conversation. In the past on quite few occasions in library and canteen Shaurya had checked with Anokhi if she was all okay. And he decided to take that same route to kick start the conversation.

Shaurya- Only coffee will do.

Anokhi- Have a seat sir, I will get one for you.

With that Anokhi left to get him a coffee, she kick started the coffee machine and in no time got him a steaming coffee. She placed it before him. She was leaving to go and continue with her work when Shaurya stopped her.

Shaurya- Wo, if you aren't too busy, come sit.

Anokhi was a little surprised with his request, it was unusual, Shaurya sir was usually very too the point. Nonetheless she came and sat on the chair opposite him.

Shaurya- Anokhi how are classes going? Have you been able to cover up for the missed syllabus?

Anokhi- yes sir, thanks for asking, I have covered up on the syllabus. And everything else is going good. In fact I was wanting to ask this from you for sometime now ....

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