Dailing .........

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It was almost 10.30 pm, Shaurya had already checked on Shaan before heading to his room to retire for the night. And like past two weeks sleep was far from his eyes. He laid down on the bed and today's afternoon conversation between Shaan and Gayatri kept haunting him. The possibilities left him restless. After almost half an hour of tossing and turning, he got up and sat himself up in the nearby chair, he felt the aircon was effectively cooling the room but he was still sweating, he couldn't point a finger to it whether it was colour of the truth, his nervousness or apprehensions to embrace the truth that will unfold, that got him so uneasy and restless. Finally he stopped his nervous play with his phone and in an impulsive move, opened his contacts and typed Aastha and just held himself back from pressing the dial button but couldn't for long and then pressed the dial and held the phone to his ear. His rational side chided him and told him to cut the call, it was too late to call at this time of the night, while the child in him wanted to linger on and wait till the phone is picked up. While Shaurya was in midst of his thought process, Aastha saw her phone ringing this late in the night, apprehensively she picked it up after contemplating for a few seconds whether to entertain the unkown caller or not. Shaurya was moving his left feet nervously while the phone was still ringing and his brain and heart were clearly at loggerheads. And then he went blank as he heard Aastha's hello from the other side. He hadn't contemplated at all on what he would say when she would pick up, he heard a few more hellos from her before he opened and closed his mouth a few times like gold fish but not being able to get words out of his mouth, it was so awkward. He got up and paced to the other end of the room, rubbing his hand on his forehead while still connected on the call. On the other side Aastha after few hellos went quite but something in her didn't allow to disconnect, she could hear someone breathe and even heard faint footsteps. Finally paying heed to her gut feeling she hesitantly spoke.

Aastha- Shaurya?????

There was so much lingering in that one word, if Shaurya had been tongue tied till now, he went frozen. His brain was in mess, everything haywired. And then he cut off the call without responding at all. He was hell confused or rather surprised by his own actions and then on top of that Aastha's response had left him stupefied. How did she know it was him, he hadn't said a word? She clearly didn't have his number as she didn't address him immediately like we do to names saved in our contacts, how did she know out of the blue that it was him calling her late at night first time ever.

In midst of all this confusion and restlessness a single thought brought immense joy to him, Aastha had recognised him, she hadn't forgotten him, she wasn't over him. He hadn't said a word, still she had identified him from his silence. Did that mean that last so many years of separation hadn't faded the bond they had, it was still alive and operational.

This single thought alone was so powerful that everything else that had been crowding his brain and not letting him sleep went absconding. He laid back and in his head the image of happy him playing with his parents floated before his eyes and soon he was asleep, he had a small smile that accompanied him even when he was asleep.

It was morning, after days Shaurya had a good night sleep and it showed on his face and his walk, he had a happy spring in his steps today. He had something about Patiala campus that he was wanting to discuss with Tej and decided to head to his room before breakfast and get over with that. As he approached their room and was about to knock that's when he saw Alok Chachu was already there and discussing something with both Tej and Devi.

Devi- Tej, this is very worrisome, we can't allow this to continue, if Shaan keeps falling ill like this, it won't take time for Shaurya to start looking for the cause and then we all know what it could lead to, we know Shaan is disturbed since that Aastha's student wasn't able to secure admission.

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