Is this a start?

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It was night, Shaan was much better and Shaurya had checked on him before retiring for the night, but sleep was far from him. As soon as he closed his eyes, Anokhi came before him. Her face from when she had given up trying for admission at SIAC played before him. Those tear loaded eyes but forcefully held back from letting the tears free with lump in her throat wasn't leaving him and then he could hear her words clearly "main haar manti hoon sir ...". He couldn't control how he felt, his usual cool, calm and collected demeanour towards any kind of emotions had gone absconding. It felt like the bruises he had unintentionally inflicted at her in anger towards his mother had instead opened up a lot of his wounds and now they hurt so bad, he had no respite, even few hours of sleep was a luxury for him. And just like each time when he was in pain, he got to his car and drove off, he was lost and in lot of pain. In his lost state he didn't realise that he unconsciously had driven to the same police station where he had seen Anokhi a few days ago sleeping in the porch on the floor. He banged his hand on the steering wheel in frustration, his brain and heart were at war, finally giving up he got down and checked the porch area to see if she was still here. And though he wouldn't acknowledge but the empty porch brought a little solace to his uneasiness, it meant she had some accommodation at least. Getting angry again on his actions Shaurya got back to the car and drove back straight to Sabherwal house. 

It was thursday today, Shaurya had last seen Anokhi on Monday. Since last few days Devi had been very worried and on tenterhooks, Shaurya had been very aloof and disassociated with her and everyone, he looked lost, torn. She had tried to get it out of him and had failed miserably, Tej too had seen the same and had asked Shaurya if something was bothering him, but had received the same response that he was good and nothing was wrong. Shaan had been observing Shaurya too since he had got ill, something had changed, something had moved. Shaurya usual cool, calm, composed demeanor was missing, even in the college he had seen that he was a little lost. Teaching was something that Shaurya always relished and enjoyed but he was even off it, like he had no heart in it anymore, of course he did his lectures, completed the course but it wasn't the old Professor Shaurya Sabherwal, something was amiss. Shaan feared if Shaurya's behavior had something to do with Aastha's coming to SIAC, he wondered if Shaurya had somehow got to know that she had come, but knowing Shaurya he expected a confrontation had he known about Aastha, but this silence and withdrawal had left him confused as well. And finally Devi asked Bebo and Kitty to take Shaurya along with them to some nice lunch or dinner to cheer off his dim mood. The two of them bickered around him last evening till he gave up on their demand and finally agreed for a coffee, he knew it was Badi maa behind them, any ways he had been a little better since he had found that Anokhi was no longer putting up outside the police station, he concluded that her guardian most probably her sister would have taken her back to her home, no sane sister would let her sister be on road for long.

And as promised it was 5.30 pm, Shaurya had just finished his work for the day and drove with Bebo and Kitty to a coffee & pastry cafe, the placed looked nice with a very cool ambience, Bebo had heard about Red Velvet Brownie of this cafe and hence the place was zeroed down.  Soon they sat themselves at a corner table and ordered some coffee and Red Velvet Brownie. Shaurya and Bebo Kitty made some conversations and indeed their Bhaiya looked much better, he even conversed with them like he usually did. Finally the duo moved towards the car to go home while Shaurya headed to the billing counter to pay off the bill. He had just paid the bill and was in midst of putting his card back into his wallet, when he heard something cluttering and then something crashed right behind him. He turned around to see an old waiter at the cafe had accidently dropped the tray with a few coffee mugs he was taking to serve an order. And next second he saw the manager came howling on top of the old men, cursing him for the loss and chided him for not been able to work efficiently and still pleading the owner to let him work. The old men was listening to everything silently and even apologised a few times before he bend down visibly very uncomfortably to clean the mess. Shaurya was about to stop the manager but before he could do that he saw a girl, another waitress from behind the manager came and helped the old waiter up and told the manager that she would quickly clean the mess and told on behalf of the old men that he wasn't well today that is why the tray slipped. The manager hurled a few warnings to the old men and then the girl for standing up for the the careless old man. He saw the girl picked up the tray and handed it to the old man and asked him to get the order repeated and serve the waiting customers while she will quickly clean. He heard the old men blessed the girl "God bless you my child." Shaurya somehow couldn't go without seeing the face of the waitress, her voice he had heard before, he knew who it was and his feat didn't move. He saw she pulled the cleaning equipment from nearby and picked all the broken glass pieces and then finally mopped the floor clean and finally she lifted her face up and turned around and went back in the kitchen. Shaurya saw the glimpse of her, it was her, it was Anokhi Bhalla. Something uneasy returned back to him. He quickly stuffed the card back in his wallet and headed out of the cafe door.

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