All in || part eighteen

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•Los Angeles, California •
•February 20,2020•

____ Angel____

I jump up from my sleep instantly face planting to my hard wood floors from the sound of something slamming. I whine out in pain as I try to take off my sheets that are tightly wrapped around my whole body. Including my head.

"Angel!" Kentrell's voice booms through my room and a piercing headache takes over. Finally I get the cover off and I groan at the beaming sunlight that has poured into my room. I quickly close my eyes.

"Stop yelling" I try to say but my voice is really Horse. "See this what happens when you spend all night fucking drinkin" he says to me before I feel my body being picked up. I wrap my legs and arms around him until I am placed onto my bed.

"Mmm my head hurts" I whine rubbing my temples. "Like I said cause you was out drinkin" he said walking over to my curtains and closing them. "Look mane lay down" he says walking over to me. I do as he says and he shakes out my sheets before putting them on me.

When I'm all wrapped up he goes into my bathroom for a few seconds before coming back with a aspirin pill. He sits it next to me and walks out the room not saying anything to me.

I think he's mad......but why? I did nothing wrong. Oh god! I hope I didn't call him last night by accident and say something reckless

He comes back into my room with a cold water bottle on a tray that has cut up fruits in a bowl, cinnamon toast, eggs, grits and bacon. "Here" he said and I sit up from the bed against my head board and he sits the tray on my lap.

"Aww Thank you ken" I weakly smile at him and he nods with a small smile. "I didn't know you could cook" I say looking up at him as he walks over to the other side of my bed.

"I can't cook no full course meals nie but my grandma taught me to cook some breakfast" he explains taking off his shirt leaving him in his sweats. I nod reaching over to get my pill and I open my water bottle.

Putting the pill into my mouth a bitter taste takes over my taste buds but I take a sip of my water to wash it down. Looking over at kentrell I now see him in just his boxer getting into my bed. I almost choke at the sight of that he has damn near coming out of his boxers.

"Um ken wh-what are you doing" I ask as he slides underneath my sheets. "Going to sleep. I done took care of yo baby ass now I'm tired" he says getting confortable. I laugh at him as he snuggles into my sheets and pillows.

"Shhhhh" he says slowly but quickly falling asleep. I shake my head and start eating my food. Not long after hearing his little snores.

In about fifteen minutes I finish eating and stand up from my bed. My whole body is sore but I refuse to wake kentrell up to take my trash downstairs. He would probably beat my ass.

I walk out my room with the tray in my hands going downstairs. I'm so happy that kentrell came over. I really missed him, and for him to make me breakfast and take care of me means a lot.

After throwing my things away and putting my dishes into the dishwasher I go back upstairs to take a shower. Kentrell is in a different position now laying on his stomach with his head facing opposite of me.

I go to my dresser picking out a blue tank top and black shorts with my matching black lace and bra set. Going to my bathroom I shut the door and I start the shower before taking off my clothes.

• 19 minutes later •

I jump at the sound of the door opening and I look through the glass that surrounds my shower to see kentrell sluggishly walking in. "Boy get out" I tell him even though from the shoulders down everything is blurry from the other side of the glass.

"Nah mane I can't sleep so hurry up so I can" he mumbles loud enough for me to hear as he hops on top of the counter. I shake my head rinsing off. When I'm finished turn off the water and open the door slightly reaching out to grab my towel.

I catch a glance of kentrell laying his head in his hands sleep. I smile at how adorable he looks before going back into the shower to dry off.

Wrapping the towel around me I open the shower door and step out. Kentrell is still sleep it seems so I grab my panties from beside him and slide them on underneath my towel. Then I put on my bra and drop my towel. As soon as I do kentrell's eyes open and he sits up.

His eyes slowly travels up and down my body. The look in his eyes are so intense. He has a girlfriend! I look away from him and start to get dressed. When I'm finished I look over at kentrell to see him still quietly watching me.

I pull my hair into a ponytail and he stands up from the counter coming over to me. "What are you doing?" I ask and he shakes his head before picking me up and my legs instantly wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck.

We both stare into each other's eyes. Silently. Then he leans in and kisses my check. Really close to my lips before turning around and walking out the bathroom turning the light off on his way out.

He carry's me to the bed and gently lays me down. I pull back my cover as he stands next to the bed watching me. Just as I'm about to cover myself up he stops me and gets onto the bed slowly opening my legs as his eyes never leave mine. My heart starts to beat rapidly as I watch him bend down and kiss between my thighs.

Slowly and softly. When he gets to my now dripping core he stops and looks up at me. I stare into his beautiful eyes becoming lost in a daze.

Then he lays down on my stomach holding me tightly. I finally exhale the breath that I had been holding in. "I missed you Angel" he says closing his eyes and I smile. "I missed you too ken" I say rubbing through his hair feeling him relax.

Feeling him kiss my stomach twice butterflies fill me and I just know that I'm blushing. Not long after he falls asleep as I play in his hair. Then it's me who drifts off.

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