All in || part four

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•Los Angeles, California •
•studio •
•January 24,2020•

____ Kentrell ___

After finishing up my last song I told the engineer that I was leaving. I grabbed my phone and my other shit before leaving. Gang ain't come wit me tonight so I was by myself.

45 minutes later

I pulled into my garage parking my Lamborghini beside my Rolls Royce before getting out. I walked into the house seeing all of the lights off so I just went upstairs. When I get in my room I see Mina knocked out sprawled out on the bed. I shake my head chuckling and go get some clothes before getting in the shower.

38 minutes later

I slip on my Ralph Lauren boxers and my black Nike sweats then walk out of the bathroom just as her phone went off. I walk over to it seeing a message pop up so I put her phone in front of her face unlocking it before going back in the bathroom.

Yeah I know in a relationship you suppose to have trust but I know from experience I can't trust ha. I go to her messages to see a thread between her and some nigga name zay. Talking bout all types of shit. But what got me was when he referred to the other night about them linking up and fucking.

I felt my heart drop. I really love her but she just can't be loyal for shit. Feeling my sadness be taken over by rage I hop up and go into the room turning the light on before pulling her up from the bed by her shirt making her eyes pop open and fear cover her face.

"So you still cheating?" i grit out getting more angry just looking at her. She shook her head in fear and i chuckled dryly letting go of her shirt roughly causing her to fall back on the bed.

"T-trell whats wrong?, what are you talking about?" she asked lowly looking at me with fear which is something i never wanted her to do. I mean who would want someone that they love to fear them?

"Aight so you haven't cheated on me?" i ask again sitting on the edge of the bed with my back facing her. I felt her move around before feeling her arms around my torso and her head on my back "no i haven't, i promise" she said lowly and i shook my head trying to stay calm.

"Then who tha fuck is zay?" i grit out his name. I feel her slowly lift from my back so I stand up and turn to face ha. Her eyes were widened with shock covering her face "i-i don't k-now" she stumbles over words basically tellin on ha self.

There really was no point in me asking or her lying, the truth was in her phone and i had already seen it. "maneeee i already know yall fucked so why keep lying!?!" i yelled and she flinched.

Tears fell from her eyes and i looked away knowing that i can't stand to see her cry "i-i'm so sorry kentrell, i'm so sorry" she repeated over and over shaking her head.

Before ha I would be the one cheating in the relationship while having a good girlfriend at home waiting for me. The one time that i'm loyal I get my heart broken and my love taken for granted. I guess this my karma, right?

Mina stands up from the bed and turns my head to her "i mean it I really am sorry, I never meant to hurt you... it just happened and i really regret it" she said looking me in my eyes.

I look into her eyes as more tears fall and i start to feel bad. Maybe i shouldn't have jacked her up like that or yelled at her.

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