All in part || thirty-nine

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•Los Angels, California•
•11:13 pm•
•May 11,2020•


"Mane it's gon be nasty" kentrell scrunches up his face making me laugh pushing the buggy down the aisle. "No it's not kentrell it's really good I promise" I assure him looking on the spices wall.

"It's called fucking spinach dip what tha fuck dat sound like? Sum nasty shit and Ian eating it" he says following close behind me. Tonight we're food and household shopping for his house since he's running low on food and household supplies.

"It's not nasty and you are gonna try it when I make it" I tell him grabbing some tajin, pepper, salt, garlic powder, seasoned salt and sum slap ya mama. Tossing it into the buggy I move on down. "Aight dats whatchu think" he says wrapping his arms around my waist holding onto me resting his chin on my shoulder.

This is his first time in months coming to the store and actually going in. I think he said his last time was when we bumped into each other and exchanged numbers. I know it's hard for him to do simple things like go to the store so I'm very proud of him.

"What we need now?" He asks as I look around. "I gotta get you some meat, milk, eggs, bread, cereal, instant waffles and pancakes and some other things" I said earning and groan making me laugh.

"We shoulda just came in hea fa dat shit first but yo ass wanted to add yo own shit to my house" he says and I continue to laugh at his mad ass.

"You need other types of food in your house kentrell. And I'm getting some vegetables too" I tell him and he lets go of me smacking his teeth. "Mane hell nah" he says but I ignore him going off the aisle.

"Say if you finna make me eat dat shit den I gotta get me and my kids snacks and shit" he says walking close behind me and I laugh. "I know kentrell we're gonna get that stuff at the end I promise" I glance over mh shoulder at him and he nods.

His phone starts ringing and he pulls it out as I go on the bread aisle. "Wuddup who dis?" I hear him ask before he smacks his teeth and hangs up. "Who was it?" I ask grabbing two bags of light bread.

"Mina hoe ass. I blocked ha number so she got a new one" he says with annoyance in his voice. "Wow she must really wanna talk to you" I mumble but loud enough for him to hear me.

"She good wea she at" he says hopping on the front of the buggy. "Kentrell" I laugh out and he smiles. "Cmon mane push me" he says like a lil baby and I laugh but do as he asked me too.

12:29 Am

"Just hit it one time" kentrell pressures me holding his blunt in my face. "Noooo" I laugh pushing it away. We're at his house laying in his bed watching Life as we know it on Netflix.

"It ain't gon hurt you ma just try it" he chuckles before taking a pull from it. "I know I just don't want to" I tell him laying down on his bare chest. "Mane just one hit" he continues to pressure. I huff sitting up "okay kentrell" I sigh and he smiles sitting up.

He takes another hit then hands it to me. I take a pull inhaling the smoke before releasing it with ease. "See you good" he says pulling me onto his lap. "This isn't my first time smoking" I laugh out passing it back to him.

"So why you was trippin?" He asks placing one hand on my ass then taking a hit. "Becauseeeee my first experience was...weird? I don't know if it was the people I was with or what but I never wanted to smoke again" I tell him and he nods releasing his smoke in my face.

I turn away the cloud scrunching my face up while he laughs. "We'll you finna smoke wit me" he says passing the blunt back to me. I take a pull from it as he watches caressing my hips.

Inhaling the smoke I pass it back to him adjusting myself on his lap so I'm not sitting on him.  "Just for tonight I'm not really a smoker" I smile and he shakes his head taking two pulls from the blunt as I watch him.

"Have you talked to any of tha guys lately?" I ask tracing his tiger tattoo on his arm with my index finger. "Yea they pose ta' pull up tomorrow" he says turning his head opposite of me releasing the smoke.

"Oh okay well I'll just see you Thursday " I said watching him ash out the blunt. "Fuck you gon be doin?" He asks mugging me slightly. "Working. I have a lot to do for the next two days" I explain grabbing his hands interlocking them.

"Yeen gon be workin all day so come ova when you finished" he says leaning into me kissing my neck before sitting back. "I can't I miss my home and my bed" I tell him smiling from the small gesture.

"Dis can be yo home and yo bed" he says unlocking our hands resting his on my ass. I smile at what he said but shake my head. "It could be but it's not" I say feeling him start to kiss on my neck.

He ignored me caressing up to my waist as he leads his kiss up my jawline sucking here and there. Once he reaches my lips he stops and looks into my eyes. Then he smashed his into mine.

I moan into the kiss as his hands drop back down giving my ass a firm grip. Wrapping my arms around his neck I fall more into our kiss feeling like I'm on clouds.

I missed his lips so much. There's nothing like them.

He starts to lift up my tank top and I allow him as our moment heats up. Then a his phone starts ringing. I know it's not mine because I have on my DND.

He sucks his teeth pulling away from me and I huff leaning away too. I watch him snatch his phone from the nightstand as I fix my shirt.

"What?!" He answers his phone and I laugh at his irritation. His mug grows and he hangs up "hoe ass" he mumbles about to put his phone down but it rings again.

This time I snatch it from him having an idea of who it is. I answer and put the phone up to my ear. As soon as she answers I smile.

"Ken- hi mina. This is angel. Kentrell's busy right now and we'd both appreciate it if you left him alone. Call again and I'll beat your ass. Got it? Good" I hang up and block the number.

Kentrell laughs and I hand him back his phone. "You hell mane" he says shaking his head and I laugh too. "She's really annoying" I shrug and he nods. Sliding off his lap I sit beside him. He catches the hint and lays down with me following to lay on his chest turning back to the movie as he wraps his arms around me.

"You tired ma?" He asks and I shake my head "not really" I mumble and he kisses my forehead. "Aight" he says lowly.

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