13- Present Day

907 68 8

Jensen Blackwell

I was watching my son play t-ball from my car.

It's really weird to think that I have a son. A son with sam out of all people.

I wore a plain black baseball hat and sunglasses. I knew I would be recognized here, and that's what I didn't want.

Carter is adorable. He wore a jersey to big for his body, and he ran around the field on his tiny legs. He was super happy while playing the game.

A knock sounds on my car door, and my attention snaps away from Carter to who's standing outside.

When I see Sam, I unlock my car.

He climbs in immediately, and takes off his sunglasses, revealing his blue eyes that I was always enamored with.

'Why are you watching from here?' He signs to me.

"My knee. It's flaring up today and it's best to keep off it as much as I can." I lie.

I'm just terrified honestly.

Sam sees right through me though.

'Bullshit. I will drag you out of this car.'

I sigh, and take off my hat just barely to run my hands through my hair. I put the hat back on.

"I have no idea what I'm doing." I whisper, looking back out to watch Carter.

So I just watch him, and so does Sam. His team switches from batting to the field a few times, and there was even a moment where Carter hit the ball and ran to third base first.

I laughed when he did that, and I felt Sam look at me.

I looked back at Sam.

'Come outside. He'll be happy to see that you showed up. Please?'

Eventually I nod, and I get out of the car.

Technically I wasn't lying about my knee flaring up. It really did hurt. I use my car to help me walk for as long as I can, and Sam turns around to see where it at when im not near him.

He comes over to me and holds out his arm.

I look at him skeptically.

Sam just nods again, his arm still out for me to take.

Eventually I take it, leaning on him whenever I needed to take a step with my bad leg.

I keep my head down, and Sam hands me his sunglasses.

I take it without question and put them on.

He leads me over to where he had camping chairs set up, and Celia and Becks sat, watching Carter as well.

They both look over when they see sam approaching, and Becks glares at me.

Celia's jaw hardens.

"What's he doing here?" Becks mutters, trying not to sound too unenthused.

I'm sure that if we were in private, she would've punched me again.

'I invited him. Calm down and try to be nice.' Sam responds before I could, and he helps me sit down in a chair.

Sam sits down on the grass in front of me, and I feel bad for taking his spot.

I glance at Celia, and she just narrows her brown eyes in return.

I look away, and even though I try to watch Carter, my attention is also on Sam a lot of the time.

Looking around, I don't really feel all that threatened to be recognized here.

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