18- Six Years Earlier

831 58 4

Sam Winters

I tried to avoid Jensen the best I could after that.

I don't remember what happened, but Celia told me that Jensen had called her and she came home as quickly as she could, ruining her thing with Becks.

It was embarrassing really. I had a really bad panic attack as I was making out with him. Yikes.

A few weeks passed and thankfully Jensen had a few away games and rehearsals, so there was no need for me to follow him to those and watch the same old boring routine.

Celia burst into my room, holding a pint of my favorite ice cream.

"Happy! Freaking! Birthday Sammy Sam!" Celia jumps on my bed, and that's when I notice a little candle and a lighter in her other hand.

I just give her a smile as she struggles to stick the candle through the ice cream pint lid, but she eventually gets it in.

After her lighting the candle up and annoying the shot out of me with purposefully out of tune singing, I blow out the candle and she gives me a hug.

I stiffen, and she pulls away immediately.

"Sorry. But here! I got you mint chocolate chip, you're favorite." She gives me a wink, and I shake my head in amusement, taking it from her and signing a thank you.

"So. What do you want to do today?" Celia makes herself comfortable on my bed next to me, and I grab the remote.

She smiles, and that's how I know I have the best sister, no matter how annoying she is.


A knock sounds at the door, and because Celia is in the shower, I have no choice but to open it.

I'm still in my pajamas, which is just a long shirt and some shorts.

I open the door anyways, and lord above it's fucking Jensen.

He holds out a present, and pauses slightly when he sees what I'm wearing.

"Is it your birthday or mine?"

'Shut the fuck up.'

Jensen's eyes look me up and down, and I shut the door in his face.

"Cmon! I'm sorry! Open up please, I have something for you."

I roll my eyes and open the door for him, letting him walk in the apartment.

He tries his best to not focus on my pajamas this time, and he hands me a poorly wrapped gift.

'What's this?' I sign, taking it from him cautiously.

Jensen just continues smiling.

He does that a lot.


He's always so hyper and happy. It pisses me off at times. He does his best to get on my nerves with funny smart alac answers to my icebreaker questions I ask him when he's practicing

I open the present, and undo the box it's in, pulling out the actual gift.

I hold it up, and give it a good look before shooting Jensen a curious glance.

'A Jersey?'

"Not just any jersey. My jersey, specifically. You just can't keep it permanently because I'm under contract to not give those away while im in season, but you're wearing it tonight, which is what matters."

'My birthday isn't about you.'

"I know it's not, just trust me. Go put it on, and a pair of jeans you're not afraid of getting dirty." Jensen shoos me away to my room before I can protest.

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