43- Six Years Earlier

656 45 10

Samuel Winters

He called, and he texted.

I didn't open any message from him. I deleted it from my phone right as they came in.

Eventually I got so sick of Jensen's persistent calls that I just turned off my phone.

I didn't just want to avoid Jensen, I wanted to avoid everyone.

Not like I had many people to avoid anyways.

Celia was the only exception.

It's been an entire week since his exclusive came out, and I hated every word in it, and every word that everyone had to say about it.

It only got high praise. Which should make me ecstatic, but it makes me throw up instead.

Like literally, I throw up over hearing anything anyone says about it.

"I scheduled you to see the doctor next week." Celia sits down next to me, putting the back of her hand on my forehead and frowning in concern.

'It's just anxiety Celia. I don't need a doctor.'

She rolls her eyes and I can tell she doesn't believe a word I'm saying.

She's the only person, along with Becks, to know what Jensen has done.

I might talk to him about it, but not right now. Not when I'm feeling like absolute shit and I can't even really leave my room.

Saltine crackers were really the only thing I could keep down.

Maybe Celia was right at scheduling me a doctors visit. I won't tell her that though, it'll just give her a big sense of pride.

A knock sounds at the door, and Celia glances down at me.

'You know what to say if it's Jensen.'

She just nods, determination in her eyes to make him go away.

I roll up under my covers and shut my eyes, trying to drown out the muffled voices.

"He's sick Jensen. You need to leave."

"Bullshit. Let me see him."

That's as loud as their voices for, and as much as I was able to hear.

I just want to sleep.

I don't care if I have a nightmare. It sounds less hellish than being awake.

Some shuffles, and I hear the door to my room creak open.

"Satisfied? You saw him. Please just leave Jensen. He's sick and the last thing he needs is to worry about anyone catching what he has." Celia was very blunt, annoyance laced in her tone of voice.

I hear him sigh, and I can't stand the thought of him in my room again.

I'm going to throw up.

I have no choice but to sit up as I need to try and hold it back, however I can't.

Celia rushes forward, grabbing an empty bowl by my bedside table and pushing it towards me.

I puke into the bowel, and tears are falling down my face because of how much I hate everything right now.

I hate being sick, I hate Jensen, I hate his friends, and I hate myself.

When it's all out, I just try to take a deep breath. I can't hold myself up anymore and I fall back into the bed.

My hands are too shaken to properly say anything. I was on the verge of a panic attack and I busted wanted everyone out.

Celia just pushes my hair off my sweaty forehead and walks out of the room, taking the soiled bowl with her.

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