28- Six Years Earlier

606 48 12

Samuel Winters

It was photo shoot day for Jensen, and people were running around on a set, checking the lighting, the various backdrops, and readjusting and sifting through clothes he could wear.

Some people suggested he do one without a shirt, but he denied. I can only assume jensen doesn't like to go shirtless because he doesn't want questions about two things. His tattoo, and his chain.

Anyways, Dani told me to meet him there, so that's exactly what I did. It was kind of awkward, being the only one standing around while everyone else was hard at work.

He was just a baseball player? Like this should not be really that big of a deal.

But it was for the cover of an exclusive magazine, so I guess I understand to an extent.

Jensen walked out with a few other people that I didn't know, and I could only assume they dressed him and one of them was the pain photographer for this entire thing.

His black brown eyes look around, and they find me pretty easily. I usually stood out like a sore thumb.

I give him an encouraging thumbs up. I have become to be a little more distant with him in situations like these, but it was just because I was terrified of people finding out what Jensen and I were to each other.

The dressers seemed to focus mainly on the baseball aspect of him. He was dressed up in his jersey and the usual grey baseball pants.

I frown, this was supposed to be one that was personal about him. Not just solely baseball related.

I don't say anything though, because they will most likely place him in different outfits anyways.

They begin blaring music, and the photographer directs Jensen in a few basic poses, and encourages him to act one way, look another way, and express a certain emotion.

I did my best to not forget to take notes on how Jensen seemed to be handling this entire thing.

We made eye contact every so often, and eventually the flashing of the lights got to be too much for me to handle, even with sunglasses on.

I recently changed from wearing my normal glasses to actual contacts, so I could wear the better sun protection that Jensen gave to me.

I had to step out of the room to get a drink of water and give my head a rest. It was beginning to hurt from the bright lights.

I sit down in a seat in the hallway, setting my things to the side of me so I can rub my temples to try and ease the pain.

"Are you okay?" Looking up, I see jensen approach.

'Aren't you supposed to be doing a photo shoot right now?' I sign, and he kneels down in front of me.

"Yeah, but everyone is taking five. One of the lights needs to be fixed." He explains, his deep voice filling the empty hallway.

I just nod, rubbing at my temples again.

Jensen frowns, and he pulls me into him. Even when he kneels down in front of me while I'm sitting on a chair, I'm still able to rest against him comfortably.

I'm just trying to get my head to stop hurting, and Jensen's hand is rubbing up and down my back softly.

"Jensen, are you ready...oh. Sorry." I quickly sit up and lean away from Jensen as a dresser comes into the hallway.

Shit. So much for trying to be professional with Jensen in these situations.

"I'm okay to continue. Is the light fixed?" He doesn't move from kneeling down in front of me.

The dresser looks suspiciously between us, her eyes glancing back and forth.

"No, but we figured we could get you into something else while they do so. Is everything okay?"

Jensen looks back at me.

'The light flashes just gave me a headache. I'm fine.' I assure him.

"My reporter is just trying to get over a headache. Is there any advil or something here?" Jensen stands up, and holds out his hand for me to take.

The dresser is convinced at that explanation. "Yeah, I can see if someone can find something for him. If you want there's more comfortable seating in the dressing room if you want to come with?" She offers.

I just nod, and let Jensen help me up from out of my seat. I grab my things and follow them back into the photo shoot room, and into another connected room.

I sit down on a nice sofa as people obsess over what he's going to wear next. There's a nice suit, a plain outfit, different variations of really anything.

Jensen looks at me, a little overwhelmed, and I hold back a laugh. I give him an encouraging smile, and he just rolls his eyes at people freaking out over clothing.

The dressers leave as Jensen finally agrees on something to wear, and no one seems to notice as I don't leave the room with them.

It's just Jensen and I for a moment.

He changes out of his jersey and into a fully black suit with no tie. It's matte, and it looks really nice and sleek over him.

Music is still blaring from outside, and I'm watching him as the song plays.

As he was changing though, I didn't fail to notice a white scar on his hip and thigh.

I frown, and he notices. It's pale against his tan skin.

Is that why he didn't take his pants off when we...

"It happened a long time ago." He watches me through the mirror, and I make eye contact with him.

The scar looks like it was caused by something nasty.

'What happened?' I asked.

He puts on the pants, and turns around to me as he buttons them on.

Jensen kneels in front of me again, our faces close. I never once removed me eyes from him.

"My father. I found out he hurt someone, and I hurt him. He grabbed a kitchen knife and soon enough it was in my leg." He said, his voice clipped with each word.

'How old were you?'

He hesitated before answering. "Fourteen."

I reach out and undo one of the buttons on his black shirt, taking my eyes away from his.

We stare at each other a lot, I've noticed. We say things that will never be spoken as we do so.

'Your father sounds like a dick.'

Jensen snorts. "He is."

My lips graze over his, and suddenly someone knocks on the door, walking in without waiting for a response.


Jensen and I quickly pull away from each other.


Jensen just nods, walking away from me and out of the room.

I take out my phone and quickly look up the song that played through that entire moment between us.

The fall, by half alive.

And at that moment, I knew that I was indeed falling for Jensen. And it's not going to be a soft landing.

(QOTD: what is your dream vacation?

I would literally loooove to go to Stockholm or Seoul. However I am going to Italy and France in about a month :) I'm super excited)

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