25- Six Years Earlier

735 49 8

Samuel Winters

I was given a tablet for Jensen's story. And it was super nice, because I could record and take notes and edit rough drafts while I was at practices with Jensen, overseeing him and his work.

I watched as he ran a few times through each base as a cardio drill.

"Samuel. How is everything?"

I turn over to the person who called my name, and I'm surprised to see her here.

'Hi Dani.' I sign to her. It's one of the very few things she would actually understand from me. If she had any questions I would usually give thumbs down or thumbs up, or write something down.

Her short chestnut colored hair was slicked back against her head, and she scowled every once and a while at the dirt as it got over her pantsuit.

Dani should really know better than to wear something nice and professional to a baseball field.

"Just dropping in to see how the exclusive is coming." Her blue eyes look out and watch the team, and I look back down at my tablet, editing my fourth rough draft, and adding one more note about Jensen that I would write in later.

I was slightly terrified that Dani came to fire me. I thought word had gotten back to her somehow that Jensen and I...slept together? I'm not sure that's even the right term. Had fun probably is better wording.

But I hadn't told anyone about that night, how I was in Jensen's bed in nothing but his jersey.

I shake the thoughts from my head right away, because I cannot start blushing right now. Jensen would notice and tease me right in front of Dani, making things worse.

Speaking of Jensen, he was now in front of home plate, where I was standing behind on the dirt. Sometimes I liked to actually watch what was happening and get better videos to report on.

He saw Dani standing next to me, and she politely waved.

At least I didn't have to be subtly defensive to Dani that Jensen was mine.

Well, we weren't officially a thing. But I still wanted to act like he was mine. As bad if an idea as it was.

Anyways, Dani was married. So no worrying on my end. I didn't want to be that jealous partner anyways.

Jensen jogged over to us, and Dani introduced herself.

"Sorry to disturb. I'm just here to oversee how Sam is doing on your exclusive. Also I would like to set up a photo shoot with you sometime soon so you can be on the cover of our news letter."

Ah, I knew she wasn't here to specifically see me. She was just trying to get something out of Jensen.

"Oh, he's doing a great job covering me. I'm glad I picked him." He glanced over to me, and I tried not to cough nervously.

Were nervous coughs even a thing?

Dani had the audacity to look surprised. "Oh, that's always good to hear. What has been your favorite part of his reporting so far?"

Jensen looked back to Dani. "Well, he just knows how to have fun. Makes our jobs easier."

Fun? Was he referring to-

Oh god.

I felt my cheeks burning up.

Dani raised a brow. "That's a new approach. But whatever gets the job done I guess."

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