26- Present Day

815 52 11

Jensen Blackwell

Another thing I didn't forget about Sam were his favorite flowers. He loved lavenders specifically.

I anxiously adjust the cuff on my wrists before bringing my hand up and knock on the door.

A few shuffles sound on the other side, and eventually the door opens.

Carter gives me an adorable smile as he sees me standing there.

"You look fancy!" He tells me, and I just laugh.

Sam runs into the room, and Carter turns around to see him.

'Carter! What do I tell you about opening up the door to...oh. Hi.' Sam's hands started frantically, but when he looked up and saw me standing there, he slowed down and relaxed.

"Hi." I respond, and I look him over as he does the same to me.

He never stopped wearing gray. He said Black looked too suffocating on him considering he was very pale, so gray was the darkest fashion would allow him to go.

He wore black for me once, and I remember telling him to only wear that color for me. It was a long day but a great night from what I remember.

He wore a silver colored dress shirt that was long sleeved, and muted gray dress pants.

Sam was beautiful. He always was.

I hold out the flowers in my hand, suddenly remembering them.

"Here, I got these for you." I hold out the lavenders, and Sam takes a step towards me, his fingers brushing over mine as he took them.

'Thank you.' He brought on hand to his chin and put it back out to me, and I just nodded.

"You look fancy too Mimi!" Carter jumped in, and Sam looked back at him.

'I'm spending a night with your dad. Can you go give these to Ceecee? And be good to her tonight.'

Carter nods, taking the flowers away from Sam.

He waves a quick bye to me as he runs out of the room, and Sam follows me out of the door.


'This is a really nice place, thank you.' Sam bites into his food, and I just smile at him, watching as he looked around the place in awe.

It was a really nice restaurant honestly, and Sam's reaction right now was also my first reaction when I was here.

This place even had a dance floor, and people would get up to slow dance every now and then.

I sipped on my sparkling cider, and so did Sam.

This was a red wine type of restaurant, but I know how sam is with drinks, and for good reason.

I needed to tell Sam about seeing Hayford though.

Swallowing a lump in my throat, I let it slip out casually.

"Hayford requested to see me the other day."

Sam looks up at me, surprised. He doesn't say anything, and I take that as a sign to continue.

"For some reason I went. I hated every minute of it though."

'Why did he want to see you?' Sam stiffly asks.

I look around the place, wondering who's ears are prying and listening in. So I sign it to him instead.

'He's sick.' Is all I'm really able to say.

Sam scrunches up his nose, and pushes his plate of food away. 'That's right he's sick.'

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