35- Present Day

770 51 13

Jensen Blackwell

I check my phone screen for the fifth time in a minute, waiting for a text back.

I only texted Sam three times in the week that has passed. He's been reading my messages. I can't call because he doesn't pick them up, I know him well that way.

It's late at night, the clock just barely about to reach eleven.

My phone buzzes, and I immediately get my hopes up thinking it's sam.

Checking the caller ID, I stare at my phone in confusion when Celia's name is flashing back on me. I answer it anyways.

"What did you do?"

"Where is Sam?"

Her voice comes through the same time I ask my question, and we both go quiet, not sure who's gonna answer the other question first.

"Sam decided to go to a club. A club Jensen. You know that isn't his scene. What did you do?"

"Which club?" I immediately get off the couch and thankfully due to this weeks of physical therapy, I didn't really need my crutches that much.

She sighs and tells me the name and address, before asking her question again.

"I told him something that wasn't ready to be said." I grab my keys and head out the door, phone still against my ear.

"I'm going to personally kill you Jensen." She grumbled.

"Wrong, you're going to hurt me. You promised not to kill me unless I wasn't making him happy." I climb in my car and turn on the engine.

"And you think he was happy this entire week?"

"I can only imagine he was confused." I pull out of my driveway and immediately begin to drive over to the club that Sam was at.

"What did you say to him Jensen?" Celia sounds more annoyed then pissed.

"I told him that I still loved him."

It's silent on her end. I wait for a moment to see if she would respond to what I just told her, but nothing comes.

"I'm going to get Sam. I'll try and take him home with me if I can. Don't worry about him for tonight."

I can feel Celia rolling her eyes.

"Bring him home safe. Tonight, tomorrow, whenever."

I nod, and I realize that she can't see me. "I will. I'll have him text you when he's okay."

"Good. Sorry for being pissed."

"It's understandable. Make sure Carter is safe."

She just hums, and we both drop the call as I'm speeding towards the club.


Loud music and bright flashing lights assault me as I walk into the place, people crashing into each other everywhere, the smell of sweat and alcohol hitting my nose.

How the hell was I supposed to find him here?

I push my way through bodies, some people shouting at me for disrupting their dancing.

I don't give a fuck about them, I just need Sam.

Eventually, my eyes find him. He's not too far away from me, but he's dancing with another person.

If I couldn't be angrier at Sam avoiding me, I was certainly pissed the fuck off now.

I wade my way through people and towards Sam, when I see the guy try to kiss him.

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