49- Present Day

205 13 0

Jensen Blackwell

It's been two months.

Two months since I proposed to who I consider my soulmate.

He had an engagement ring on now, and it was a beautiful ruby stone. We picked it out together, and red just seemed really fitting.

I bring our intertwined fingers up to my lips, and I plant a kiss on his ring finger.

"How many times are you going to do that?" I see Sam staring at me from the corner of my vision, and I take that as a sign to look back at him.

I will never get used to his voice, but in a good way. It was more like 'I can't believe you're actually talking, never stop.' Type feeling.

Sam did have a lower voice, but it wasn't so low that it didn't suit him. And after a week and a half of slowly talking, it smoothed out. Sam did say it was painful for the first day or two, but the more he talked the more it helped. And he was determined to get his voice back.

"I'm going to do it as many times as I want." I reply, kissing his ring finger again, and he just lets out an amused noise.

"That's what she said"

I roll my eyes, whining out his name. "Saaam, you watch the office too much."


"Don't go from quoting Michael to quoting Dwight."

"I thought you were supportive of me."

"I am!"

"Bears eat beets. Bears, beets..." Sam looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to finish.

I sigh, narrowing my eyes down at him. He just looks up and feigns an innocent expression. I roll my eyes as I give in.

"Battlestar galactica."

Sam jumps in joy, spinning around me in excitement, laughing like a little kid would.

"Sam, Sam, Sam! Stop." I'm holding down a laugh, but I can't contain my smile. I caught him mid jump, and his feet were now a few inches off the ground.

"Let me down." Sam pouts, and I just lean up and give him the quickest of pecks.

"Does jumping put the baby at risk?"

Sam rolls his eyes incredulously. "Just let me down you overprotective doofus."

"Hey! That's not very nice." I lean in closer. "Are you asking for a punishment when we get home?"

Sam immediately turns bright red, and hides his face in my shoulder. "Jensen, stop. Or else I'm gonna look sunburnt in the middle of December."

I laugh, and I let him down reluctantly.

The weather was a perfect excuse for Sam to wear bigger clothing in public and not be ridiculed. He is just very careful of who he lets see his body, and right now he is determined to hide it for as long as he could.

Sam is showing, but he can easily cover it up with a coat. The only place he didn't really cover up was our home.

Oh yeah, Sam and Carter moved in with me. We still visit Celia and Becks all the time though...if they aren't visiting us anyways.

"Jensen! Jensen Blackwell!" An unfamiliar voice shouts, and I immediately take my eyes off of Sam and look around.

A reporter. A cameraman.

Sam grabs my hand nervously and hides most of his body behind mine, still peering out though to see what's happening.

The reporter is a young woman, and she looks eager.

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