4- Recall

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In a matter of seconds, Socks rushed to Nadwe,
"Thanks" Socks said, after a wave of relief washed over him, he quickly snatched it off Nadwe and opened the sunset-orange book while his eyes were stuck on the pages.

Nadwe was staring at Socks, who forgot about Nadwe being in the room.
"So..." Nadwe started, Making Socks a bit startled.
"What are you using it for?" Nadwe asked, Curious since Socks was concertrated on finding it before.
"It's a book Nadwe, to read..." Socks spat
"I KNOW THAT." Nadwe replied, annoyed
I'll just go, he too interested in his 'book' anyway.

Nadwe headed towards the door and walked out, since Socks wasn't paying any attention to him at all.

What should I do?
Visit Meme? No, he told me not to visit since I might 'mess up the place'
Muffin? I can rarely find him.
I guess I can see Laff...

Nadwe decided to see Laff since he was bored, and Laff would probably ask Nadwe for a favour, like always,
Nadwe skipped to Laff's House and knocked on his door.


No answer...
Where is he?

"LAFF?" Nadwe yelled. But no-one replied

He's probably somewhere else...

*Near the bridge*
Blaza has calmed down a lot and decided to work on his base.

What do I need?
Guns? YES
A person to build it? YESYESYES

Blaza realised that he needs someone else to build it because he isn't a builder himself...

Why don't I ask Dino? He could be good at building a military base!

"DINOOO!" Blaza yelled, to his surprise, Dino appears from a tree near the bridge

"What Blaza?" Dino sighed
"I... didn't expect you to come right away-" Blaza claimed.
"What do you want Blaza, I dont have all day." Dino growled
"Can you make a military base? I mean- you're kinda good at that stuff..." Blaza asked
"A military base? Really blaza? What are the benefits?" Dino Questioned
"I will get Weapons and the extra stuff , and you can work on the base itself!" Blaza cheered.
"Fine..." Dino sighed
"YES THANK YOU!!" Blaza cheered.

That was easier than I thought....

*At Meme's old house (AKA: Nadwe's new house)*

Joocie was waiting for Nadwe, It was the 3rd time this week that Nadwe promised to hang out with him.

Come on Nad...
What's the point of me waiting here if you're not even coming.

Joocie sighed. A sense of sadness filled the air as clouds started to form a
Dark-Grey sky. He had other plans to do, but he still waiting for Nadwe.

Seconds turns into Minutes, and still no Nadwe insight

Maybe I should go home...
Once again Nadwe, you forgot.

Joocie went home, and decided to leave Nadwe a note.

Laff walked around the village, he felt like he had nothing to do, and that Displeased him.

Laff was also trying to recall things that had happened a while ago, his memory seemed to be blurry.

I opened a couples therapy shop, then I invited Socks and Meme to it. But I keep forgetting why.

His memories weren't adding up, somehow, Laff didn't even remember anything about a couples therapy shop, or even think about opening one.

I must be confused.


Hey guys! It's Rainbow here and that was Chapter 4!
I'm very sorry that some updates are quite slow, and the story is going at a slow pace, but I'm trying my best!
Anyways, have a great day! :D


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