15- Ultimate Scheme

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Nadwe flew high, higher than ever. Reaching the clouds, he paused in awe at the surroundings; a part of him wanted to stay here forever. His tiny bat wings that hovered beside him started to feel quite tired. But then he realised that it was almost morning.

Vampires couldn't touch sunlight.

He sighed before swooping down, flying faster and quicker than before. For almost a second he realised why he came. To kill L4FF.

Bat Nadwe reached the ground safely, right at the entrance of the military base. There, he could see Joocie, Muffin and Survivor Meme talking amongst each other. After taking a deep sigh and transforming back to human. He confronted the three.

Survivor Meme was the first to notice him.

"NADWE!" Survivor Meme yelled, relieved. He walked up to him quickly and the two followed. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?"

"I'm good, everythings fine... I was just flying, that's it." Nadwe replied, but then he walked inside the building that was closest to them.

"You shouldn't have done that... You could have died-'' Joocie warned.

"I know, but I wasn't thinking properly. I thought that maybe I could spy on L4FF."

"L4FF killed you. Not you but... The other you." Survivor Meme took a pause and an inhale. It seemed like he really didn't want Nadwe to have the same fate as the Nadwe from his world.

The door creaked open, and the three turned around to see who it was.


"Tb!?" Survivor Meme gave a loud, exaggerated yell as he went towards him.

"Uhhh Meme...? I thought you died..." Tbh wondered as he walked towards Meme in confusion, he blinked a few times to make sure it was real.

"Oh I'm from the other world... But what are you doing here?"

"At first I didn't believe the whole L4FF nonsense but then he came and then he thre- threatened me. I then decided to turn against him." Tbh admitted. "And to stop him"

"Well I'm glad you're back."

"Did something happen to me in the other world?" Tbh couldn't help but notice the miserable glint in Survivor Meme's eyes.

"You... Died. You were blown up after L4FF blew up my world." Meme's voice was breaking up as it turned into a light sob. His hands covered his eyes. "I- I-"

"Dont worry Meme. We will kill L4FF and he will face justice for what he's done, alright?" Nadwe promised, he stood beside Meme and looked at him comfortingly. Tbh nodded confidently and both Muffin and Joocie also acknowledged.

"L-Lets hope..."


The large wooden table was in the centre of the room. Surrounding it was Oof, Socks, Blaza and Survivor Socks. The four of them stood patiently, some more patient than others.

"L4FF is still on the loose" Oof stated, he placed his hands firmly on the table while waiting for the others.

"Tell us something we don't know." Survivor Socks replied. "We've tried finding him, and it's not like he is going to show up and turn himself in."

"Well the last time we had him he got out. Easily." Blaza sighed. "So we need something stronger."

"Stronger isn't going to do anything. We need to get him. Now."

"We already tried. Twice. The first time didn't end well and I doubt a third time would either."

"We could just kill him. A part of him is Human so he would die..." Oof suggested, this time walking around the table.

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