12- Liberation

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The area around them was cold and tense as Joocie whispered to the other two to wake up. Slowly, Nadwe and Blaza began to regain consciousness in a matter of seconds.

"Where are we?" Nadwe asked, he and the other two couldn't see very well as the room was dimly lit.

"I have no idea, but L4FF has done this." Joocie Sighed as Nadwe's eyes widened with shock. The questions arose in Nadwe's mind but he still chose to be silent.

"We need to get out of here." The stern expression came from Blaza, who was looking around and trying to find a way out.

"Already tried- There's no way out."

A figure entered the room. It's mask was fully grey, and most of its body was encased in metal. It waited for the three to realise that it had just walked in.

"You are right, there is no way out." The voice replied almost in a mocking tone. He knew they were helpless, and that face made him feel more stronger.

"You... Why would you do this Laff? I thought you were a good man." Blaza faced away in disbelief. Why would the man who was once willing to help turn into this monster? Not to mention that he had destroyed his friends from another world.

"It's been a while Blaza, last time I saw you I had the whole world blown up" Nadwe belived that this... thing was truly insane. All that replayed in his mind was Meme looking at him with a face full of sorrow and distraught. How could Laff do this?

"Let us out Laff, t-this isn't you." Nadwe stuttered even though it was useless, he still wanted to try to speak to the one who saved him from that vampire.

"Laff is as good as dead." The voice chuckled, it showed no hint of Laff at all. If this was only a fraction of what Laff could do, then what is his full potential? Blaza couldn't comprehend what was truly happening.

"Why? Why would you come here and do this to us, what are you going to do?" Blaza questioned, the pure worry was being heard. Joocie stayed silent the whole time, and L4FF left without a single word.

Leaving the three in the treacherous dark, there was no hope for them, if nobody knows where they are then they are as good as dead. Or at least that was what Nadwe thought...


The rise of dawn began when almost everyone was at the Military base. The golden yellow clouds were gazed upon by those at the base. Although it was pretty early, none of them seemed tired, instead, a single sentence flowed through their mind; Rescue Blaza.

It all began when the Survivors began telling their story again but this time to the others who had joined. Then after they were content with getting Blaza back, Muffin handed them a bundle of weapons.

"Wow..." Oof Exclaimed, he was more impressed with the fact that he was holding a gun.

"Make sure you have the gunlock on, just in case." Muffin insisted before checking the gun Oof held.

"You know, before the whole L4FF thing, Laff said something weird to me. He mentioned that he hadn't seen me in a while even though I swear I saw him two days before that."

"I mean in the smp, it had only been a few days and our Oof went missing. We haven't seen him since." Survivor Socks explained, although he was still trying to remember exactly what happened.

The sun had fully risen and the clouds swarming around had parted ways, leaving a subtle sun ray to form and shine through the base. The breeze was cool, as it was just enough for them.

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