10- Commence

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The desolate trees waved steadily as the sun vaguely shone. It was a tranquill time, until an irregular portal appeared, breaching through the trees. Out of the mysterious portal came 3 figures, each confused and curious.

"Where are we...?" One asked, he wore a broken helmet and his clothes were covered in Soot.

"I don't know Socks, but L4FF came out of this portal and we need to find him." Another one replied certainly. He grasped his arm before looking at the scenery around him.

"Wait... Is this the smp?" The third one questioned, this one in particular looked the most angriest, his bear-like hoodie was almost in shreads.

The three started walking out of the area and into a small pathway, where they saw a familiar face.

"Nadwe!" One of them bursts out loud before running up to him and giving him a large hug. Nadwe looked at him polarised.

"Meme? What is happening? Why are Socks and Blaza here, what happened?" Nadwe questioned. It surely wasn't the same Nadwe who was killed, this one wasn't a vampire, as far as Meme could tell.

"It's hard to explain. We are from a different world, and we need to get to your Meme, right now." Meme answered as he tried to hold back his tears.

"I'll lead you to him, but how is this possible?"

"Don't follow us, and stay away from Laff, please I can't loose you again!" Nadwe nodded at Meme and pointed in a direction. Meme thanked him as him and the other two began to set off and find this world's Meme.


After a few minutes of silent walking, the trio found the place they were looking for; a replica of Meme's medical base. They were bound to find Meme here.

Socks burst through the door to find their Socks, Blaza and Meme talking.

"What..." Their Blaza said confused he was cut off, when Socks walked to the other Meme.

"Hello Meme... oh this is weird, but I need your help- we need your help. We came from a different world, which is now destroyed because of Laff. That caused a portal to appear and we know that he is in this world. Please, we need everyone to stop him." Socks gasped, the other Meme looked at him before replying:

"I believe you, a few days ago Laff said something unusual about him killing our friends. Anyway, you guys should rest, the three of you seem to be in a bad state" Meme replied before giving them a seat to sit in.

A few minutes passed and the six of them started to plan.

"Oh, we should call you guys something else so we don't get confused." Blaza commented.

"How about the Survivors? Like I'm called Survivor Socks, and there's Survivor Meme and Survivor Blaza." Survivor Socks suggested as the others agreed reluctantly.

"So, we now know that there is something wrong with Laff and that's because of L4FF right?" Meme paused before continuing "that means that we have to get whatever is in Laff out, which is easier said then done." Meme sighed.

"But there is one problem, we can't kill Laff since Laff is innocent and its just L4FF that's doing this" Survivor Meme claimed, as he started to get lost in his own thoughts.

Socks looked at Survivor Meme and the other Survivors- they each looked exhausted. "Maybe we should continue this tomorrow, the three of you look tired" Socks suggested.

The Survivors didn't argue and agreed. The three layed in three different beds and drifted off to sleep.


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