5- Furry wars.

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Dino. Woolf hated that furry so much. Why? Ever since they met, all he did was call Woolf a furry, which caused many fights over the past few Months, and Woolf... Hated it.

There was only one thing Woolf dreamt to do. Prove him Wrong. Show that Stupid Dino-Furry that he is an idiot. He wanted to just Punch that Dinosaur in the face, but he knew what the consequences would be if he did that.

I need to show to show that stupid Furry not to mess with me.

Woolf sighed. Its Dino, what can he do?


Woolf quickly ran out of his house, filled with joy at what he thought. The Wind flew past him as the Sun Shined in all its delight.

Tomorrow, he could finally prove he was better.

*At the Military Base*

Dino worked hard all night, Planning out how it was built was Blaza, and it was worth it. Dino layed in bed, Exhausted, at how much effort he put into working.

There was a reason why he did this, putting a lot of effort into his Military Base. The reason was Simple. Woolf. The REAL Furry. His Selfishness is really annoying, he always thinks he is better, but of course, that's his opinion.

Dino wanted to be more powerfull in the server, leaving Woolf weak to prove that he is more superior than him. Especially with Blaza on his side.

After I get powerful, I'll show Woolf. Maybe by killing him...

Dino was eager about power, he couldn't wait anymore.

Dino got out of bed and into the Darkness, Where the Moon glowed in the dark-night. There was still a few hours until sunrise, he could wait work now and rest at dawn.

The Exhaustion he had disappeared, as diffirent materials scattered on the floor.

I'm Going to finish it.

*The next day (Meme's medbay centre)*

Meme was up early, because he was going to Complete his centre, With the help of everyone.

Meme put on his 'Doctor' outfit and exited the room, exited about his plan, to complete his Medbay. After months and months of waiting.

It wasn't really months, Meme liked being dramatic, it was either something you hate or like about Meme, but in this case, hate.

The door sprung wide open as the 'Doctor' stepped out of his house, But he wasn't expecting somebody waiting for him...

It was an annoyed Socks, and Meme had no idea why he was annoyed. His orange helmet Shined as the sun reflected on it and in his hand was a book.

"Heyy Socks..." Meme welcomed, a bit confused.
"Hi Meme, I brought something." Socks replied a stern look on his face appeared.
"I can tell, since I'm a very clever doctor." Meme said, amused.
"It's a book on somethings that you have been working on, I thought that you'll need it." Socks explained, and gave Meme the book.

Without a second to waste, Meme grabbed the book off Socks and walked away, without a reply or a thank you.

This books looks strange, hopefully It will help a lot on what I'm searching for. If it doesn't, I'll just burn it.

Meme held the book tightly and walked to his Medbay, with a sigh of relief.

*At Woolf's house*

Excitement washed over Woolfster as he opened his door, a cool breeze swept away as the Sun beamed, reflecting on every window of his house.

After my plan Dino, you'll be on your knees.

Woolf's plan made him smirk, a grin that will be stuck for the rest of the day.

But not for long...

*At the Military base*

After hours and hours of working, Dino eventually finished the base, all that was left was the weapons and tanks, but that was Blaza's job.

"Thank you so much Dino! I owe you a lot!" Blaza cheered.
"Yes, you do Blaza" Dino sighed, Exhausted from all the work.
"You can rest now, I'm almost done with the weapons and things..." Blaza grinned.

Dino accepted it without hesitating and trudged towards a Bunk-bed that was closest to him.

Not long after, sleep took over him and he was sent to his dreams, one which wasn't the best.

Dino felt paralysed, as if he only had eyes to see what was happening, he couldn't speak, as if somebody had just muted him, he could only watch the terrors that were springing to life.

Crimson eyes were watching from far away, and yet he could still feel the glare staring at him.

Where am I? Who are you?

The eyes the growing bigger, as the figure was about to reveal themselves. Until the world glitched. Instead of eyes lurking at him, he was greeted with a normal dream, as if everything was normal.

But It wasn't, Dino felt like something was missing, as if a piece of something, anything, had disappeared.

Maybe it's for the best...


Woolf saw Blaza, who was holding a bunch of random items.

"Blaza?" Woolf asked
"Oh hey Woolfster, What's up?" Blaza replied casually,
"Have you seen Dino, he wasn't at his home..."
"Yeah, he's at the Military base..."
"What Military Base...?"
"Oh yeah, Me and Dino have created a Military base for protection and things, and he spent all night completing it."
"You- i- WHAT"
"He's sleeping right now-"
"I'm going to him..."
"Okay then... if anything bad happens you can't blame me then." Blaza said, before walking off.

Is the furry actually being smart?

Woolf was very annoyed as he stopped his way to Dino's stupid Military Base.

Woolf finally arrived, and saw Dino, awake in fear.

"Furry..." Woolf hissed
"The real Furry, what do you want?" Dino spat"
"You think you're so clever? Making a Military Base so you could be more powerful..." Woolf Snarled.
"You're finally using your brain! Well done." Dino growled.
"If you 'think' your better then me, then let's have a competition..."  Woolf grunted
"Appantely there is a very rare item, called the wings of truth, now let's say, first one to find it is a winner, while the person who looses, admits they are a furry..." Woolf continued, grinning.
"That should be easy. May the REAL Furry lose." Dino remarked.

Without a second to waste, both "Furries" started gearing up, more than ever.

Dino has Blaza on his side, I also need an Ally....

This will be the furry wars...


Hey guys!
It's Rainbow here and I'm here to say I'm very sorry for no updates the past 2 weeks, I've been VERY BUSY!

I will try my hardest to get more chapters out!

What does this have to do with Laff you may ask, a lot of things actually...

Did anyone realise what the 'Wings of truth' were?

Anyways, Have an amazing day! :D

(Words: 1152)

(It's quite a long chapter, I know)

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