13- Remorse

90 9 35

TW: blood/Heavy blood, Death

The bullet pierced the air as silence invaded.

Meme was shot. The bullet aimed directly at his chest. He fell and not a second later, all of his friends came running to him, tears in their eyes. Survivor Meme looked in horror at both his dead self and L4FF; he couldn't believe his own eyes. Survivor Blaza glared at L4FF coldly, but instead of running away, L4FF fell to his knees. But it wasnt L4FF anymore- It was Laff.

Laff sat there, his hands in his head. Somewhere in his mind, Socks felt sympathy for Laff. It wasn't his fault, he was possessed by a terminator, by the looks of it, he didn't want this life. The body of Meme was covered in a small pool of blood, the wound was a scarlet red. Blaza stood next to Meme. He was a great man, and didn't deserve this. Nobody deserved it.

A few minutes passed and everyone had stopped mourning. The night sky covered them in despair, the stone gray clouds mourned at the loss of a fellow human. The trees whistled, in remembrance of Meme. Oof decided to take the harsh role of carrying Meme's body. His clothes were covered in his dripping blood, as he began to slowly walk away with the others slowly following behind.

"Wait... Laff!" Socks mentioned, Laff hasn't moved from his place- probably because of shock.

"I'll get him." Survivor Blaza muttered as he grabbed Laff, the dry tears from his eyes disappearing as he took off his sunglasses. Laff followed him without a word except from the savage guilt clouding his mind.

"Look- B-Blaza..." Laff stuttered, his hands were sludged beside him as he walked slowly

"It's Survivor Blaza. After what YOU did to my world."

"Don't blame him Survivor Blaza, this isn't his fault and you know it." Survivor Socks replied harshly. Survivor Blaza glared at Survivor Socks but carried on walking ahead with Laff.

Oof shivered as he carefully walked with Meme's corspe. Socks, Survivor Meme and Muffin were leading the group in the creek of the night. Whilst the others closely following Survivor Blaza and a distraughted Laff.

"Do you need help Oof?" Muffin asked politely, Oof thought for a second.

"No, I don't think carrying a body of a person you knew extremely well will help a 14 year old mentally..." Oof answered, his tone dead serious. The pitch black night sky wasn't helping at all, but even so, Survivor Meme helped Oof with Meme's body.


The Military was barely visible in the dark night. The lampposts surrounding it was dimmed- Almost as if they knew about the tragedy that occurred. All the group walked into the desolate halls, they found a specific area to place Meme's body until his funeral.

Oof placed down Meme's body, the blood on his hands were drying, and he had to force himself to look away from Meme. It was a ruthless imagine, one that he would never forget.

"Come on guys, let's rest, we have spare bunkers for you all." Blaza told, Oof nodded and the everyone followed him to the spare rooms in which they could sleep.

Survivor Blaza eyed Laff carefully before placing him into a cell room.

"Don't do anything." Survivor Blaza scowled. Laff could barely look at him nor anyone, his hands were on his head and he turned away from Survivor Blaza subtly. Survivor Blaza stormed off, his weariness beginning to take control as soon as he began to reach into his bed, awaiting the upcoming days.


The next day arose quickly, maybe it was because Socks fell asleep straight away? Socks didn't know, but he realised that he had simple tasks for him to do in the morning.

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