7- Troubled

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Meme stared at his finished medical centre in relief, it was finally done, a smirk painted his face, and now, he could actually be usefull.

"Nice!" Meme heard a voice behind him, he turned around and saw Joocie, who was admiring the medical centre.
"Oh, thanks Joocie!" Meme replied, as he had a sudden urge to complement himself.
"No problem!" The British man replied, a friendly grin appeared on his face
"How are you doing Joocie, Its been quite a while since we spoke"
"Good, I'm just travelling places and exploring."
"That's great, and since my centre is done, I could start working!"
"Oh yeah, have you seen Nadwe?"
"Nadwe? Oh I kinda 'Kicked' him from here so that he won't mess anything up"

Meme looked at Joocie with curiosity, and then he saw the saddened expression on joocie's face.

"Why? What happened?" Meme asked, genuinely concerned.
"I've been trying to find him for quite a while, see, I've been waiting to hang out with him for weeks, and I think... he's avoiding me..." Joocie Sighed, the last few words he said came out as a mumble.

As Meme was about to tell him not to give up hope, until somebody unexpected joined them...

It was Muffin.

"Hey guys!" Muffin cheered, as he approached the two.
"Hey Muffin, what are you doing here?" Meme asked, annoyed
"I felt like coming here." Muffin replied casually.

Sometimes, you can't understand Muffin at all... Meme sighed at his own thought.

"Oh hey Joocie" Muffin said, as he just noticed the British man standing close to both of them.
"Hey Muffin, do you know where Nadwe is?"  Joocie asked
"Nadwe is doing some things he has joined Woolf's team in the 'Furry war'"

"What Furry war?" Meme questioned
"Where were you guys? Do I really have to explain it? Basically there is a war between the two furries, Woolf and Dino and there's this competition thing-"
Muffin paused
"What? Carry on" Meme replied.
"There is a competition thing to get these wings of truth. That's it."
"That's it!? I'm not a war expect, but that is not war..."

Muffin just simply shrugged, but they didn't notice that Joocie walked off, maybe back to his house, or to Nadwe.


*In the Military base*

Socks was standing proudly at the base, it had only been a day since Socks had joined Dino's side, and he loved it, he never really thought that working in a Military base was fun, but it actually was.

On the other hand, Dino, had been busy, he was planning and planning, and rarely slept, this made his head ache and his eyes twitch every now and then, beging for sleep.

However, Blaza was collecting materials and would occasionally invite Socks to his mining adventure, or just to hang out. He enjoyed the company, and would sometimes stay up mining.

This time, Dino had called Socks and Blaza to discuss plans with them.

"Who vented?" Socks joked, Blaza tried to contain his laughter while Dino growled and looked unamused

"Sorry." Socks apologised

Close to the base was Nadwe who was hearing every plan they made, he tried not to get close to the barbed-wire so he stepped a few feet away from it.

He clenched onto one of his top-hats as he peered through the barbed-wire.

"As I was going to say, I think Woolf has got Tbh on his team." Dino Snarled.
"Tbh? Really?" Socks asked
"Yes Tbh, I haven't seen him around anywhere so he must be there."
"Fair enough"

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