16- Reflection

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Survivor Socks sat on a hill, near the military base. He sat peacefully, eyes closed to try and remember the scenery from his own world. At one point of his life, he never really thought he would even be thinking that. Different worlds? It was something that only happens in movies, but now, it was extremely real. The resemblance of both worlds, even the trees looked the same, only in this world there was no Wiktoria, no wedding, no funeral, no court case, no betrayal... L4FF had come into this world and was in no doubt planning more chaos.

Survivor Socks blinked and opened his eyes, a part of him wished that everything was a bad dream, but now, it was only reality. He looked to the side and noticed a familiar and comforting person walking towards him- Survivor Meme. Survivor Meme sat down beside him without a word.

“So… Today.” Survivor Socks spoke to break the slighty awkward silence between the two.

“Let's hope this works.” Survivor Meme sighed, Survivor Socks could see the despair in his eyes.

“You dont think it's going to work, do you?” 

“It's just that… after all that's happened, he is always 5 steps ahead of us, how do we know that he has nothing bigger planned? I guess I’m just afraid...”

“This time it will work, because we are prepared. Even if it doesn't, we will try. Again and again. We won't stop until he is defeated, once and for all…”

Survivor Meme gave a small chuckle, Survivor Socks looked at him in confusion.

“Sorry it's just that… Under a year ago, we were in a different world, and we were in a war. All because I was stupid enough not to listen to you, and to ignore who the real mastermind was.” Survivor Meme gave a burst of laughter, his high pitched cackle took over. Survivor Socks giggled at his remark.

“We went to war… I forgot about that! And in my court case, Muffin’s evidence-” Survivor Socks gave an eruption of laughter, and the two took a while to calm down.

“After we defeat L4FF, what are you going to do? We can't go to our world, and I guess we have to stay in this one.” Survivor Meme wondered, he took a deep inhale, as all the serious appeared on his face.

“I don't actually know. Maybe I would help these people, they haven't even started building everything yet.” Survivor Socks replied, “How about you?”

“Maybe I can finally live up to my true potential as a doctor, and get a medical degree!”

“You had one before…”

“That was in the old world, but here, I want to start something completely new, I'll continue the legacy of the Meme from this world!”

Socks had noticed both Survivor Meme and Socks talking from afar. They both looked happy, yet a misrable glint could still be seen.

Maybe I should join them? He contemplated. 

Maybe I shouldn't, I don't want to disturb them…

Socks already found himself walking towards the two, so he took a deep sigh and waved. 

"Hey!" Survivor Socks and Meme looked up to see where the greeting was coming from, until they noticed that it was Socks. The two waved back at him and welcomed him. 

"How are you Socks?" Survivor Socks asked, while giving him some space to sit down. Socks sat down beside him graciously. 

"I'm good! I've just been walking around until I saw you two…" 

"Is everything good? No news about L4FF?" Survivor Meme questioned eagerly. 

"Well, Survivor Blaza, Muffin and Blaza are currently working on the helicopter, Nadwe is with Joocie. Tbh, Oof and Woolfster are getting ready to find the wings and I am here." 

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