14- Tormentation

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The new day steadily approached, and as soon as dawn had come, Muffin Survivor Socks and Survivor Blaza had made their way around. Survivor Blaza had been armed with a dangerous Bazooka, gifted by Oof. Muffin held a sniper cautiously. The three stopped unexpectedly, since Survivor Blaza stopped where he was and looked around. Then he gestured to the two to follow.

"Do you see him anywhere?" Survivor Socks whispered, Survivor Blaza glanced at him gesture to him to be silent.

"No, but I thought I heard something, nevermind." Survivor Blaza misthought whilst he began to once again move into open air. 

"Lets just hope he hasn't got that gravity gun on him..."

It was obvious that they were looking for L4FF. After he escaped, it had been their top priority to look for him. The others had been either looking inside the base or helping Nadwe recover. But Survivor Socks speculated that time was precious and that they have barely any time left. 


Survivor Meme entered Socks' room. His orange walls matched the colour of his outfit but there was no red represented by the new one. Socks sat on his bed lazily, his head facing the window beside him; deep in thought. Survivor Meme came in to talk to him about Nadwe and L4FF but since Socks looked as though he didn't want to be distubed, Meme Thought otherwise. Just as he was about to go, Socks was alerted and called him back into the room.

"Sorry Socks. As you know, L4FF has escaped..." Socks began to get up at the exact moment and picked up his helmet "We are going to kill him."

Socks' eyes widened in surprise. "Kill L4FF? How about Laff?"

"That's the problem, we haven't figured out a way to defeat him, maybe killing L4FF isn't that bad. It's for the greater good!"

"Do you hear yourself right now? Look, if we kill L4FF, then we are no better than him." Socks reasoned, however they both started leaving the room and were in the hallway, debating. "You're better than this Meme!"

Meme paused for a second. He questioned himself. Sure, L4FF had destroyed his life but that doesn't mean that he has a right to kill him. The fact that Laff was in there, who had done nothing wrong, made Meme think. A few seconds later, he decided that it wasn't best to kill L4FF. Socks agreed happily with his decision.

Socks and Survivor Meme began walking away from each other; Socks headed towards the weaponry room as Survivor Meme wanted to see how Nadwe was. As Socks entered the room, he met Joocie, admiring the sight of the weapons.

It wasn't until Socks came in that Joocie looked away and was almost in a rush to go out.

"What's up?" Socks casually asked, Joocie started to walk away from him but paused.

"Uh- Nothing! I-I was just leaving!" Joocie exclaimed, he seemed startled at first which made Socks feel confused.

"Why were you here Joocie?"

"N-no reason-"

"You aren't a good liar, you know."

Joocie sighed in defeat. He then sat on a bench nearby and tried to process everything that was in his mind.

"It's just that... Ever since L4FF killed Meme, I've been feeling useless. Nobody needs me anymore." Joocie faced away as part of him did not want to see Socks' reaction. Instead, Socks showed a face of understandance.

"You know you aren't useless right?"


Joocie was speechless. The fact that he didn't know what to say clouded his mind. Deep down Socks was right. Now it was up to him to make his decision.

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