9- Guilt-trip

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Laff woke up, confused. His head has been aching for no reason, and he had been feeling weird ever since he met L4FF in his dream.

Laff got up subtly and faced the window in his room. After opening the curtains, he was met with a calming blue light. He suddenly had a strange idea to take off his mask.

He reached for his mask and took it off slowly. But what he saw left him petrified...

 But what he saw left him petrified

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"No way..."

Laff couldn't believe what he was seeing. A fair amount of grey had reached his mask, causing him to panic.

How is this happening?
Is L4FF real? He is real, I need to stop thinking he isn't real.

No thought could calm him. Will he really turn into a terminator? Will he become the one that haunted him?

"I need to carry on with my day, see how everyone else is doing." Laff mumbled, as he quickly continued to get ready.

After about 10 minutes or so, he decided to visit Meme and his medbay. He wanted to see the full building as it was being accomplished.

*At Meme's medical centre*

Meme was doing well with business. He had around 2-5 customers every few days and although they were his friends, he was still happy that people came.

This time, it was Socks.

"Hey Meme!" Socks said

"Hello Socks, what's up?" Meme welcomed, as he opened the door and let Socks enter first. Socks immediately entered and glanced around the room.

"Just seeing how the medical centre's doing"

"It's doing pretty good, although Muffin keeps coming and asking for random tools..."

"Sounds like normal Muffin to me"

Socks and Meme both laughed and Meme noticed Socks new clothes.

"You are wearing something different! Instead of the space suit you have an Orange-red armour"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you were going to notice that. Anyway, why don't you join our team in the furry war?"

Meme looked at Socks strangely

"Really? Why?"

"I mean it's good to get a Doctor in our team, you know?"

"I don't think I want to join any team Socks. It may be a bit too dangerous"

"Since when did you care about danger?"


Laff had knocked on the doors of the medbay centre, startling both Meme and Socks.

"It's just me, Laff." Laff reassured.

With a sigh of relief, Meme opened the door and Laff entered.

"Hey mates! Nice armour Socks!" Laff complemented.

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