True Colors

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Incontri TenTENNANTi/wavering Meetings sort of Missing Moments a little ahead ...(it's just a matter of a very few chapters before reaching the same point of the original co written crossover)
Ten can't sleep so he has an idea, but first he has to wake up a certain someone who is sleeping...over him.
Fluff couldn't be fluffier, a special fluffy and extra romantic moment, just and only for my beloved BarTen.
Written for the 'Flufftober 2021' Prompt 5: Watching the Sunrise


Before reading:
if you don't know this huge crossover story cowritten with my friend Loki or here in wattpad under TennantClub username , you'd better close this page, because you'll never ever manage to figure out what this extra fluffy one shot is about, lol

if you are already familiar with the mentioned story, in this one shot (and the many others i'm going to post this month for this challenge) you'll find event a little ahead compared to where the original plot arrived, but it's just a matter of a very few chapters to add, with no spoiler at all
If you're looking for huge amount of fluff, made in BarTen, this is the right place!

True Colors

There is only one thing that makes sense in a situation like that: sleep.

After all, the next day foresees that he and all his Companions will finally go to David's house, so it is advisable to be well rested and full of energy.

However, the Doctor never liked advisable things.

It would be so easy to put his head back on the pillow again, close his eyes and let sleep claim him again.

But if the Doctor does not already like advisable things, he likes the easy ones even less!

And to think that he would also have an excellent reason to stay in bed: a reason with messy straw-colored hair, a rather heated temperament, a level of sanity that is not exactly comforting and sudden mood swings, which at least when he sleeps are sedated, unless that he does not start talking in his sleep.

One of the things Ten loves most about Barty is that, except when he is too restless in his sleep and keeps moving multiple times, Barty tends to fall asleep and stay in the position the Doctor placed him in.

He is naked for a start, just like the Doctor is, but that is part of the rule that the Time Lord established.

Their bodies are half covered by a sheet, the legs are intertwined, one hand is loosely placed on the side of the Doctor, the other arm stretched along the leg, the head is buried in his chest, that area of the his sensitive skin slightly moistened every time his tongue pops out of his lips, especially when he dreams of something.

The Doctor has begun to distinguish when he is having a pleasant dream and when it's a nightmare depending on how and how much he moves his tongue and in the second case, he hugs him closer, massaging his back, until the Death Eater calms down.

This is not the case, Barty seems to be sleeping peacefully, a dreamless sleep.

The Doctor doesn't need a watch to know it's about four in the morning.
And that a very rare dawn in its beauty is about to take place in a very specific place he only seems to know.

And that's when he makes his decision.

"Psst, Barty," he whispers, but the volume of his voice is too low for him to hear. "Barty," he tries to raise his voice a little, squeezing him lightly by the shoulders.

"Mmm ..." Barty mumbles happily, without opening his eyes, clinging closer to him.

Tender, sure, but that's not what Ten needs. He has to change his strategy.

"Help, someone's attacking me!" he screams frightened, with sudden movements.

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