AKA Never gonna leave this sofa

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Lazy Sundays, warm house, a sofa, hot chocolate, fights over what to watch on TV and... a huge amount of fluff.
More like a missing moment of 'Best ntentions, Wrong Ways!' is something happening in the future, just after some months after the point I reached there..
Written for the 'Flufftober 2021' Prompt 3: Lazy Sundays

WARNING: Fluff. Lots of fluff.
Seriously, I think this is the fluffiest J/K story I wrote so far <3 I can't resist with those two...

This story belongs to 'Best intentions, Wrong Ways!' universe, but I preferred not to post it as a chapter there because more or less there's a chronological order and this moment happens ahead in the future, but there's no spoiler about what I still have to post as future chapters ;)

AKA Never gonna leave this sofa

Jessica struggles to wake up that morning.

It's one of those cold days of late November that make you just want to stay warm, under the covers.
Besides, it's Sunday.

She gets out of bed, puts on her sweatshirt and opens the window. The sky is leaden and the air is so cold that it threatens snow.

"Fuck, it's so cold!" Jessica swears and immediately closes the window, rubbing her forearms.

-I could go to Kevin's room and jump on his bed and let him warm me up a bit... wait. And where the fuck do these unhealthy thoughts come from?- the detective is stunned by herself, as she goes back to bed, looking for warmth under the blanket.

- One thing is to kiss him, to appreciate him when he does something good and commendable, to have slept a night with him ... Shit, no, on second thought, Jessica, even that is not good at all. But wanting some cuddles from Killgrave ?! Cuddles, some fucking cuddles, I never want fucking cuddles, it's serious, it would mean that ... Holy shit, why can't I just want a healthy shag with him? Oh well, not that I don't want it ...- she bites her lip in confusion. - From bad to worse, let's go take a shower, so I get these dangerous thoughts out of my head ... and given the sick nature of these thoughts, fuck, let's take it cold!-

In the middle of November.


If the shower has had some effect, when, after breakfast, she finds Killgrave in the living room, Jessica is in deep trouble again.
The persuader is sitting on the large anthracite-colored corner sofa, with his long legs stretched out on a pouf, while reading the newspaper.
First the New York Times and then the London Times, of which a copy is always brought.

He likes to know what happens in his native country.

The problem is not so much what he is doing, but how he is dressed.

He wears a sumptuous blue velvet chamber jacket, a cross between midnight blue and dark purple, loosely tied with a belt at the waist. The lapels are in silk, with an oriental pattern on a wisteria background edged in ocher yellow, also used on the cuffs.
In all of this, however, Jessica sees one thing only.

-Fuck! He looks so warm, soft and cuddly.-

Meanwhile, her presence is noticed.

"Jessica, good morning." he greets her cordially.

She just responds with a nervous snap of her hand.

"Can I?" she asks, a minute later, pointing to the sofa.

"It's not like you to ask me for permission. I expected you to slouch here, unceremoniously; to tell the truth, I also expected you to chase me away, in a bad way. " he mumbles.

Jessica, as a matter of fact, comfortably spreads out on the opposite side of the sofa, the one with the corner, and then speaks to him.

"Nahhh, you can stay." she shrugs.

"On my sofa in my house? Oh, I'm quite amazed at your generosity, Jessica! " Kevin retorts sarcastically.

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