A (not so findable) moment just for us

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Incontri TenTENNANTi/wavering Meetings sort of Missing Moments a little ahead ...(it's just a matter of a few chapters before it can happen even in the original co written crossover)
Peter Carlisleand Alec Hardy would just like to have a moment just for them, but with such meddling friends it won't be so easy to reach that goal!
Written for the 'Flufftober 2021' Prompt 7: Meddling friends

Before reading:
if you don't know this huge crossover story cowritten with my friend Loki https://archiveofourown.org/works/24057604/chapters/57893587 or here in wattpad under TennantClub username , you'd better close this page, because you'll never ever manage to figure out what this extra fluffy one shot is about, lol

if you are already familiar with the mentioned story, in this one shot (and the many others i'm going to post this month for this challenge) you'll find event a little ahead compared to where the original plot arrived, but it's just a matter of few chapters to add ;) and it's about something you already know it's going to happen ;)
If you're looking for fun and fluff, especially DIL (Detectives in Love , shipping name decided with Loki <3 ) fluff, this is the right place!

A (not so findable) moment just for us

Peter Carlisle, now renamed Singy, never expected such incredible and extraordinary events in his life.

If someone had predicted that one day individuals with faces so eerily the same as his own had kidnapped him by deception, Peter would have laughed at him.

Even more so if they had told him that he would end up making friends with each of these strange individuals, not to mention the extraordinary, super-technological spaceship that hosts them.

The same spaceship that then led them to meet that actor who in a certain way gave life to all of them.

If someone had told Peter that one day he would have a big crush on a colleague of his, he would not even have been too surprised.
But that the object of his attention in addition to his own profession in common also had the same features as his, only a little older in age ... Well, Peter could never have imagined this, not even in his most fervent fantasies .

Yet it happened, Alec entered his life, thanks to a clever ruse put in place by those who now he considers his friends.
Peter was attracted to him right away, even before he met him, when he saw him fill his role, leading his team.
He doesn't even have a team, he only has a young assistant towards whom he feels almost like a father, perhaps this is why he sees Alec as a role model to follow, a better version of himself that he would like to become.

Maybe just a little more gruff. Okay, no: much more gruff.

Yet Peter is convinced that he has found his way to the older''s on the mend heart and that under his rude appearance there is a pleasant person to discover.
Very pleasant.

His heart has already sung to him and he knows that Alec has not remained indifferent to him.
Just as he was not indifferent during that day spent with SweeTown.
How he was not indifferent during his dance on the roof.
Technically Alec just addressed him rather abruptly to reproach him, but Peter also caught a hidden message and said hidden message makes him chuffed to bits.
He didn't even miss the way Alec watched him dance.

It's all this set of considerations and memories that woke Peter up that morning, giving him not only a great desire to start the day, but above all to spend as much time as possible with Alec, perhaps trying to test the ground a little more with him, to understand if there can be more things in common, beyond the profession they carry out.

At David's and his wife Georgia's home it was a continuous succession of new things to discover, new people to meet and various events, so spending moments only between the two of them was mostly impossible.

He hears a knock on his door.

-Oohh, maybe my adorable grouch has the same urge to spend more time together.- he smiles to himself, going to open the door.

Too bad his expectations are disappointed.

The one in front of him doesn't even have the same face as him.

"My good friend, are you also looking forward to testing our two gifts together?" Aziraphale welcomes him joyfully, waving his gift in front of him, that is a very special multi-plate oven, capable of facing any type of cooking, the perfect match for Singy and his recipe book with all the most typical delicacies of each universe.

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