Textual Education

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Incontri TenTENNANTi/wavering Meetings sort of Missing Moments a little ahead ...(it's just a matter of a few chapters before it can happen even in the original co written crossover)
Peter Carlisle teaches Alec Hardy how to appreciate new technologies... and not only that ;)
Written for the 'Flufftober 2021' Prompt 9: Text messages


Before reading:
if you don't know this huge crossover story cowritten with my friend Loki https://archiveofourown.org/works/24057604/chapters/57893587 , you'd better close this page, because you'll never ever manage to figure out what this extra fluffy one shot is about, lol

if you are already familiar with the mentioned story, in this one shot (and the many others i'm going to post this month for this challenge) you'll find event a little ahead compared to where the original plot arrived, but it's just a matter of few chapters to add ;) and it's about something you already know it's going to happen ;)
If you're looking for fluff made in DIL (with a little BarTen, too) this is the right place! ;)

(See the end of the work for .)

Work Text:

Textual Education

"You know, for me it's like if you came from a little bit of the future, you're twelve years ahead of me..." comments Peter Carlisle, at night, in Alec Hardy's room.

It has now become a habit between the two and they alternate their rooms according to the evening.

"What is it, another way to remind me of the great age gap between the two of us?" Alec mumbles, feeling uncomfortable.

In response, Peter jumps on him.

"You are perfect like this, I wouldn't want you even one day younger, my dear gorgeous oldie!" he chuckles, before kissing him.

Another of their established habits.
They are not yet ready for these attitudes in public, but that's enough for both of them for now.

"Impudent spring chicken, don't you dare call me that again!" Alec pretends to threaten him, returning the kiss.

Peter smiles, but when he least expects it, he steals his smartphone from his pocket.

"You see? When I mean you are from the future, I mean that too. Look at that futuristic phone, mine will seem like an antique in comparison. " he explains, all excited, as he explores every content.

"It's not what it seems to me, it is an antique." the other mocks him.

"You are always so nice." snorts Peter. "Look here, some apps to communicate with the police command and your team ... I have nothing like that," continues to browse Peter, before opening the chat and discovering a whole world that lies behind it, represented by the symbol of a smiley face.

"Oh, bloody hell! But there is an image for everything, for every mood, for every type of event... and they are so much fun! " Peter is beyond excited.

"Do you really think so?" Alec raises an eyebrow, in the most skeptical way possible.

"Are you kidding? With my mobile you have to put together a set of precise symbols and punctuation to get four or five faces .. here they are ready and there are hundreds of them! How can you not take advantage of it? "

"I was fine with the cell phones of the time you live, they did only what was necessary!" Alec grumbles.

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