Total Eclipse of the Heart

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Incontri TenTENNANTi/wavering Meetings sort of Missing Moments a little ahead ...(it's just a matter of a few chapters before it can happen even in the original co written crossover)
The secret relationship between Peter and Alec goes on, until something brings them closer even more.
Some fluff, some h/c and a little bit of songfic, too.
Written for the 'Flufftober 2021' Prompt 23: Hold me in your arms


Before reading: if you don't know this huge crossover story cowritten with my friend Loki , you'd better close this page, because you'll never ever manage to figure out what this extra fluffy one shot is about, lol

if you are already familiar with the mentioned story, in this one shot (and the many others i'm going to post this month for this challenge) you'll find event a little ahead compared to where the original plot arrived, but it's just a matter of few chapters to add ;) and it's about something you already know it's going to happen ;)
If you're looking for fluff made in DIL, with lots of h/c, too, this is the right place! ;)

Total Eclipse of the Heart

Peter Carlisle has never liked to wake up early in the morning, much less for an investigation, but for a few days now he has always been trying to wake up, at least at six or seven in the morning.

He could use an alarm clock to program on his phone, especially since he now has an even more modern one, but it would also risk waking Alec up, who now always sleeps with him, it has become a very pleasant routine.

But Peter has something that the others, with the exception of the Doctor, do not have: a great complicity with the TARDIS.

It was enough for him to give her a speech of his own, with flattery, caresses and songs to ask her to help him wake up in time and she found the most suitable way.

If at the beginning she played the not too innocent joke of waking the grumpy Alec with waves of water, the poor Broadchurch's detective, who associates with water tremendous memories that still haunt him; for his favorite among the Companions who are travelling with the Doctor things are very different.

It's six in the morning and in Alec's room, where Peter is, small donuts, lollipops and candies are raining on the head of the Blackpool's detective.

"Thanks." he whispers to his spaceship friend, biting into a small donut as he sits up.

The TARDIS understands what he needs and creates a soft light, enough to give Peter a wide view, but not too bright to disturb Alec's sleep.

Never be it, Peter likes too much to see him sleep.

Alec manages to maintain his cranky personality even in his sleep, he has a perpetually gruff expression, frowning, if he talked in his sleep it would be for sure to insult someone.

For Peter it has now become a habit to watch him, to grasp every change in his sleeping positions and expressions, because, hard to believe, but every now and then that gruff expression leads to a softer, almost serene one.

Surely observing him is made more pleasant by the second small donut he bites into.

And thanks to the Naked Rule that the two detectives have now decided to follow, there is much more to look at beyond Alec's face, also facilitated by the blankets that, in a moment of anger, the older one pushed away halfway.

Peter contemplates that body so similar to his, even if a little later in the years, recognizing that it still maintains the right tonicity.
He regrets that the sheet covers precisely the most interesting part and seeks comfort from his frustration in the lollipop he discards.

He doesn't have time to bring it to her mouth, because there is something much more urgent.

Alec begins to whine, moving agitated.

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