Liking (or rather licking) the rain

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Incontri TenTENNANTi/wavering Meetings sort of Missing Moments a little ahead ...
The snow has never been so sweet, the fog has never been so fun, the sea has never been so relaxing... and the rain has never been so sexy!
Written for the 'Flufftober 2021' Prompt 24: Caught in the rain


Before reading: if you don't know this huge crossover story cowritten with my friend Loki under the profile 'TennantClub' (we even won an award, yayyy!) , you'd better close this page, because you'll never ever manage to figure out what this fluffy sexy one shot is about, lol

if you are already familiar with the mentioned story, in this one shot (and the many others i'm going to post this month for this challenge) you'll find event a little ahead compared to where the original plot arrived, but it's just a matter of few chapters to add ;) and it's about something you already know it's going to happen ;)
If you're looking for sssexy fluff made in DIL, ( with some BarTen which is always a good thing, some J/K hints (they're my oxygen) even some David/georgia hints not to miss anything) this is the right place! ;)

Liking (or rather licking) the rain

"Who wants to open the doors first?" asks the Doctor, as amused as a child.

He set the coordinates of the TARDIS without telling anyone where they would go and now he's curious to test their reactions.

"Me! Me, please, I have always dreamed of doing it!" David rushes to the doors, anticipating all the others. "I mean, yeah, okay, I've done it tons of times playing you, Ten, but doing it now, here, on the real TARDIS, as your Companion ..." he reveals his fanboy side, opening the doors.

Like everyone else, he expected boundless space, worlds with shapes, colors and populations never seen before, something that escaped any scientific or logical law ... certainly not what seems to be a hilly landscape, the same they can find hundreds on Earth.

If they all understood one thing during those trips, it is that with the Doctor nothing is ever what it seems.

If they have learned another one is that he will never reveal where the particularity is, not immediately, at least, it's up to them to find out.

A little doubtful, the Companions follow him out of the TARDIS, entering those meadows dominated by a cloudy sky. Just when they have stopped wondering what is strange, they realize that the landscape has changed: the hill seems to have disappeared, now replaced by a dirt road, but above all a very strong wind, that was not there before, has risen.

And they only walked a few kilometers.

"What the fuck?"

Ten doesn't need to turn around.
He already knows it was Drinky who spoke.

"Fascinating, right?" the Lord of Time turns to them all. "Now, try to move about ten steps back."

Everyone does as suggested and they find themselves back in the cloudy hill, shortly thereafter the Doctor also joins them.

"Welcome to ClimatAll, there are no inhabitants, except for a few indigenous people who are very rare to see, but it encompasses all possible climates and all types of landscapes, depending on where you walk. You cannot see in advance when and how the climate and landscape will change, but only when you have crossed it, without knowing the precise moment, but you can always go back to the previous one. " he explains to them, all thrilled.

"Ooooh, it's a bit like a movie set!" David comments in awe.

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