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Days seemed to pass at the speed of light. He spent most of his time training with Namjoon and Jin or helping the Hephaestus crew. Many Apollo kids worked enthusiastically and even some Ares kids helped. Whichever camper who was not busy was also seen with the building crew.

He was sitting by a ridge facing the ocean, his usual spot for alone time. His mind flashing images of his last quest. An army of skeleton warriors that was brought by his against the Empousai. It had been a mess because 1) he was almost dead on his feet. 2) he didn't know what the hell he was doing.

Now that he think about it he can't even remember how he had conjured them up. He had even less idea of what to do with them. He had somehow gotten out alive like every other situation in his life so far.

He was going on this journey with his closest friend, and a few others he was starting to be fond of. He wanted to be able to help them in this quest. There should be reason he was going on this quest and if it has anything to do with his powers then maybe he should figure out how to control it soon.

He was concentrating, his eyes fixed on the ground by his dangling feet. It did make him feel a little tired and the sound of shuffling sand made him raise his eyes, fixed on the half a dozen pit forming on the ground in front of him. His heart did a flip as he watched in terror and amazement. The deformed bodies some with degrading tissues, some skeleton had some sort of weapon with them. The newly arrived stared at him indifferent when were on their feet. He didn't knew what to do now. Could he make them fight him or each other? The undead soldiers was already moving towards him. His hand in instinct moved grab his sword, jumping down from the ridge. As he held the hilt of the sword he realised it was his Celestial Bronze sword that he just used for training, not his Stygian Iron one.

He didn't get to think of anything else before a sword was already colliding with his. His ADHD brain knew his sword had slashed several limbs and bodies already but the skeletons didn't show any signs of tiredness.

"Okay STOP!" he yelled annoyed. The undead stopped some weapon frozen in air while others were having their limbs rejoined to their bodies. "6 vs 1 is definitely not cool okay? Why don't you fight each other and show me what you got." He stepped back panting hard. They were damn fast okay?

The undead already had their swords ready and then there was clanging of metal against metal. He saw one separating the head from his opponent. It looked like the head needed longer time to rejoin the rest.

He gave an unspoken command and the soldiers lowered their weapons. A sudden call for him startled him as he recognised the voice as Taehyung's. He looked back at the skeletons still staring at him. Just like an instinct he snapped his fingers. The crack forming on the ground swallowed the undead soldiers and he watched in wonder as the crack vanished.He was still staring at the spot they vanished as the Zeus's son reached him.

"Hey! What are you doing? I was calling for you for a long time." He asked concerned

"Uh... really? Yeah I must've not heard you. Just lost in thoughts." He pointed a finger to his temple.

"Why are you sweating?"

He touched his forehead and indeed there was sweat. "Don't know.. must have been the heat."

Even though Taehyung didn't looked fully convinced he didn't call him out on it. "Okay then.. well you should probably come to the Big house. A newbie just came."

"Oh really? Yeah let's go." He climbed back on the ridge as Taehyung started retreating. He realised he was still holding his sword and he rushed to push it back in the scabbard as he followed.

The new guy looked like he wouldn't be older than 15. He had black hair and black eyes.The guy did look like a nervous wreck hearing the questions shot at him by different head counselors. Dylan, as he introduced, still looked confused with the whole thing going on. Well the kid was made to watch the orientation film, of course he would be traumatized for life.

"This is frustrating." Jin sighed looking bored at the commotion. "Just leave the kid alone. Wait until the claiming."

They finally fell silent. "Okay someone please show him around. Let's meet at the campfire and if he's still isn't claimed, Connor take him to Hermes cabin." Namjoon ordered and Pollux volunteered to show him around. The rest left the building.

He was walking away his hands thrust into the pockets of his sweatshirt. "Hey Jungkook! Wait up." He turned around squinting his eyes in the direct sunlight. Taehyung came up running to him with his usual smile on face. When the demigod reached him he turned back around, with Taehyung keeping up with him.

"Well, that didn't go well." Taehyung let out a long sigh. "Do you think it's him? Well if you ask me I don't think so. He just don't give me that vibe, you know. The Big three stuff?"

"Big three stuff?" He snorted with a smile.

"Yeah. The power...the intimidating feeling." Taehyung squared up his shoulder gesturing wildly with his hands.

"Intimidating? So you find me intimidating?" He asked with raised eyebrows and playful smile.

"Well duh. You have the whole emo thing going. Black shirt, black jeans, black shoes." Taehyung pointed out gesturing with his palm against his chest. "Your just missing some eyeliner and silver chains. And what's with the black? It's summer for gods' sake." He pointed at the scorching sun.

"It's comfortable okay? And it's not that hot." He argued with a pout.

"It's not hot? I remember you saying you were sweating because it was hot, half an hour ago." Taehyung narrowed his eyes at him with a mocking smile making him look away in embarrassment. Taehyung didn't push for more which he was grateful for.

"It's good that we don't have to follow the schedule for now. I feel like my head is gonna explode." Taehyung continued.

"Yeah. It's good." He hummed along. "Do you think the other two will reach soon?"

"They better, if they wanna come back alive. 1 week is almost over."

That surprised him. He hadn't realised a week was almost over. "Huh."

"Oh shit. I need to get to the Archery range. Hosoek should be waiting for me. I'll meet you at dinner and campfire, okay?" Taehyung rushed with wide eyes, flailing around. And he was already running away on receiving a nod from him.

Everyone was eager to finish dinner and arrive at the amphitheatre in hope they don't miss the claiming by any chance.

He was next to Yoongi and the usual empty spot next to him was occupied by Jin. The Apollo cabin were singing as the rest settled around the growing fire. The changing colours of the fire hypnotised him like always, all the noise a buzzing to his ears. When said something about the progress of Argo II he snapped out of the trance and listened to the conversation between Yoongi and Hosoek.

He had seen the ship himself and it still amazed him as Yoongi talked about it.The sudden silence that fell around made him tense. He realised the singing had stopped and so had the hushed whispers. He along others looked around frantically and noticed the cause of disruption. It was the new guy. The red glow from above his head was the matter of importance. The symbol of bloodstained shield and spear engulfed by the red glow. He has been claimed. By Ares.

The kid looked happy and a little pleased with himself. Pollux who was next to him patted his shoulders encouragingly and gestured him towards where the Ares cabin was seated. Many others must have felt disappointed but no one showed it.

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