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Taehyung was up and walking after a few minutes. As they waited by the deck some harpies attacked. He and Taehyung killed them before they could cause any mess. Some came back again, which strangely looked exactly like the ones Taehyung had fought. Of course monsters not dying.

"I think the Stygian Iron is keeping them killed." Taehyung said as they got rid of it again.

"Maybe. It's said to destroy monsters without allowing them to go to Tartarus."

Taehyung nodded and he must have said something but he couldn't hear it. Blackness took over his vision and he found himself in front of the throne of Hades. His father was not seated on the throne through. He was standing with his turned back to him in his mortal form, dressed in a black suit. His long hair falling around his face.

"Father." He addressed Hades making him turn to him.

"Son" Hades greeted back with a smile.

"You didn't respond to me all this while." His voice was not accusatory, just worried.

"There's been a lot going on. Zeus has not been at his best state of mind for some while. But I've decided to reach back to you at last."

"We are going to Alaska, not knowing why or what's waiting for us there." He said after a moment of silence.

"Thanatos." Hades said. "He's being held captive."

"By who?"

"By the Giant made to be equivalent to me." He gulped. "House of Hades. That's where the doors of death is" Hades continued. He had many more questions but he couldn't get them out.

 "The souls will help you, Jungkook. You just have to reach out for them."

The scene dissolved into nothing and he was back on the deck again, Taehyung staring at him panicked. He blinked.

"Dude. What the hell was that? You just zoned out on me for minutes. I couldn't even tell if you were breathing." Taehyung said in panic before sighing in relief.

"Just talked with Hades." He said making Taehyung snap his head back at him.

"Yeah? Did he say anything about our quest?" Taehyung asked expectantly.

"Yeah he did." He also talked about your father, he wanted to say, but didn't. "Come on let's talk inside.


They got seated around the table as he placed the container on it.

"Zeus's Golden Boy?" Jin asked confused reading the name on top of the box. "He sure loves himself a lot."

He snorted but started. "I just found him in this store that sells like charms, potions and stuff. I asked him about what was in Alaska. He told me Thanatos."

"Thanatos?" Hosoek asked. "Thanatos is in Alaska? Does that mean we'll fine the doors of death there?"

"Maybe-" Namjoon was cut off by Taehyung.

"No." The rest turned to look at him startled by the stren answer.

"What? What do you mean no?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung turned to Jungkook with a go on gesture of hand.

Jungkook sighed. "Doors of Death is not in Alaska. Thanatos is imprisoned there. I talked with Hades."

Some seemed surprised at the mention of Hades but no one said anything. "Thanatos is imprisoned? By whom?" Namjoon asked.

"Bane of Hades. The eldest giant."

"Alcyoneus?" Namjoon asked shocked. "But the giants were killed after the Giant war with the gods."

"They must be back, I don't know. All I know is we have to fight a giant to free Thanatos." Jungkook said.

"Gods can be kept imprisoned?" He asked because he was really curious.

"Yeah they can be. It's not impossible." Jin said absent-mindedly.

"Oh yeah, maybe it's because he is imprisoned he doesn't have control over the Doors of death." He said out loud making others look at him.

"He doesn't have control over the Doors of Death? Who said that? Apollo?" Hosoek asked surprised.

"Yeah. He said that when I asked him why we were going to Alaska, trying to be vague I guess. Then I asked him why the monsters were not staying dead and he said the answer was the same."

"Thanatos doesn't have power over the Doors of Death. Someone else does. And they are opening it to let monsters out of the Underworld. From Tartarus." Namjoon said joining the dots.

"Who and why?" Hosoek asked.

"I think the giant waiting for us in Alaska is a pretty obvious answer." Yoongi said. "The giants are rising again."

A long stretch of silence. No one even moved. Then he screeched aloud. "Did they sent 7 teenagers to fight gaints?

"Me and Namjoon are 20 Jimin. And yes they sent demigods around the world to to save it from ugly monsters and now giants. That's how they label us heroes." Jin said.

"Well atleast we know it now. I guess it's better than just showing up there and faced with a 40 feet tall giant." Taehyung said trying to be encouraging..

"Oh and Apollo said something about a House of Hades. I guess he was not allowed to talk about it because he then kinda panicked." The others turned to him curiously. " He told me to eat barley before entering so that it will absorb poison or something? I don't know what that's supposed to mean."

"House of Hades?" Yoongi voiced confused. "What's house of Hades have got to do with this?"

"The doors of death." Jungkook answered. "It's inside the house of Hades."

"It's in Greece right?" Namjoon asked. "I have heard about it. It's an ancient underground shrine dedicated to Hades and Persephone."

"Greece? We should go all the way back to Greece to close the doors of Death?" Taehyung asked mouth wide open.

"Yeah! Sounds like it." Hosoek sighed.

"And the part about poison. What's that supposed to mean?" Yoongi asked.

Jin shrugged but Jungkook started talking. "I might find some help. I can't be sure it'll work. But I can try. We need to land somewhere for that."

"Not tonight. You look dead on your feet. Everyone eat something and get some sleep. I will be on watch first." Jin said standing up.

"I will help too. I slept some in the day, I am not tired." Taehyung volunteered too.

"Wait!" Jimin shouted suddenly startling everyone. "Apollo said something about Mother Earth."

 He didn't know why he felt like he was forgetting something. Now as he said it he sighed in relief.

Namjoon froze in the middle of stretching his arms with wide eyes. Some others looked confused. "Holy Hephaestus!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Shit" Namjoon swore. "This is bad. The prophecy said to avoid traveling through land, lull the earth to sleep. Earth yielding up terrors. It's not the earth they are talking about. It's Gaea. The Mother Earth herself is rising."

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