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They were waiting for him and Yoongi. His eyes searched for Jimin and he was there, leaning against Jin, with eyes closed.

He jumped off the deck instead of waiting for the ship to touch the ground. He ran forward, startling Jimin awake who looked up at him surprised. His suprised face changing to shocked when he engulfed Jimin in a tight hug. Everyone else seemed shocked too. But he couldn't care about that now.

"What the hell happened? Are you okay? I saw you fall off the cliff." He asked panicked after letting him go to look at his face.

"He's fine Jungkook." Taehyung answered when Jimin couldn't find words. "Can't you see? He's not even wet." He looked at Jimin and indeed he was not wet.

"Uh Poseidon thing." Jimin mumbled.

"I reached the bay and he was nowhere to be seen. And then he just lurched out of the water onto the ice totally dry. I took him back here." He noticed Taehyung was looking exhausted so was everyone else. Namjoon and Hosoek had wounds but nothing serious.

"What happened with Alcyoneus?" Namjoon asked clutching his wounded side.

"Just like you told us. We were able to kill him when we got past the borderline." Yoongi answered. "Jungkook slashed his throat out."

"Yoongi fired bronze cannon at him that took him down so that I was able to kill him. " He corrected.

"Oh yeah and we heard Gaea talk. She said we haven't won. We won't be able to make it home in time and we cannot stop the destruction." Yoongi added tensing up the others.

"Yeah, can we take this conversation to the ship." Jin complained. "My boyfriend is bleeding and I am freezing. I think my balls are about to fall off."

"What did Thanatos tell you?" Taehyung asked. "Couldn't he himself close the Doors of Death?" They were all recovered and having dinner in the mess hall.

"No." Yoongi said. "He said closing them would be good. But it was beyond his power. We have to figure out a way to close it. Though the ones dying from now on will stay dead.

"Atleast some good came out of this." Taehyung sighed.

"We killed Alcyoneus. More to go but still one giant down." Namjoon shrugged.

"And I got some power." Jimin added excitedly but Jin shook his head.

"Yeah, never do that again. It was not cool. You scared the crap out of everyone." Jimin pouted at that so Jin mumbled. "It was a little cool. And you didn't die, so I guess that's fine." Jimin smiled pleased.

"So I guess that part is over. Now we need to get to Greece. And find house of Hades." Hosoek said.

"I'll try to commune with the dead and see if I can get where in Greece." Jungkook offered."Oh yeah. Apollo said something about Apennine Mountains and we should be careful. Also something about Greek fire, whatever that might be." Jimin said gaining other's attention.

"Apennines. Yeah there dwell earth giants. They will be siding with Gaea, they are not gonna be cool with us." Namjoon said. "As for Greek fire, it's a strong weapon that not be used simply. It's very dangerous."

"What about what Gaea said? We'll never make it home in time? Home as in Camp Half blood or Greece?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know." Namjoon frowned.

"I first realised it when I fell in that reservoir in Detroit. And I thought atleast being the son of Poseidon has some advantage. And then at the Glacier, if saying the truth I had no idea what I was doing. But then it just came to me like an instinct. But it all was so tiring." Jimin talked on next to him as they were out on the deck on watch duty. They were standing next to each other, elbows touchy. He wasn't complaining though.

Then Jimin fell silent and he looked at him. He looked deep in thought. He wanted to ask what he was thinking about, but he didn't.

"Have you gone to the Underworld?" Jimin asked. "To meet your dad?"

"I've been to the Underworld. But it was not meet my dad. It was as a part of a quest." He stopped but Jimin stayed quiet sensing he had more to say. "He invited me to come visit him sometimes though."

"You didn't go?" Jimin asked and he shook his head looking down at the city lights passing below them.

"I didn't wanted him to be disappointed."

Near him Jimin froze. That tensed him and he wondered if he said anything he shouldn't have. But Jimin then clasped his hand making him sigh in relief.

"Why would he be disappointed? You are a great hero. I not saying this to please you. I have watched you train, fight and kill."

He looked to meet Jimin's eyes and for a few seconds he just stared. Jimin didn't look away, so he did. "It's my power. I can't control it. Sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes it gets out of hand."

"You can work on that. We all believe you can. Maybe it will come to you in the right time. Don't worry." Jimin's thumb rubbed circles on his hand.

"How do you do that?" He asked frowning.

"Do what?" Jimin frowned back.

"Whatever you are doing. You did it when I got mad at Taehyung at camp. When I thought I was slipping away." Jimin's thumb froze, his face confused.

"I did nothing, I just held your hand-" Jimin stopped looking at their hands with wide eyes before lurching away from him, letting go of his hand. Jimin coughed, his ears and cheeks red as he looked anywhere but him.

He laughed. He, honest to god laughed out loud with someone other than Yoongi. Jimin looked at him shock visible on his face. He didn't say anything. He just stretched his arm to take Jimin's hand in his, pulling him close. They stayed like that- hands intertwined, body pressed together looking up at the stars. Fortunately no monsters interrupted.

Though Jin did. "We are never putting you two together on duty again" he came out to the deck, Yoongi following behind, both armed with their weapons, ready for their turn. "Get out of here you two. You make me sick." Jin waved his hand with a disgusted face.

"You and Namjoon are worse." Yoongi muttered from near him.

"Yoongi" Jin exclaimed offended. "Let's talk about that later shall we? Now back to you two." Jin turned to him and Jimin who now had a reasonable distance between them.

"Go to your cabins" Jin instructed. Jimin hurried to leave and he followed behind. "Your own cabins." Jin pointed out sternly. He saw Jimin blushing as he entered his room. He went inside his own.

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