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He was still busy taking in the horrific scene in front of him that he didn't notice someone coming from behind. A hand landed on his shoulder, which would have made him scream out loud if not for the hand that quickly pressed on top of his mouth,hard.

He would have uncapped Riptide and slayed the person if not for the fact that the person was fast enough to turn him to face each other.

Recognising Jungkook he was so relieved that he didn't notice Yoongi who stood next him watching the Cyclopes.

Jungkook lifted his hand of his mouth and gestured a shush sign with his finger. Jungkook too then peaked to see what was happening. He saw Yoongi eyeing the robotic arms hanging from the machinery.

He realised Jungkook had a backpack on his shoulder as he stood in front of him. He watched quietly as Yoongi fumbled through his tool belt to find something. Motion in front of him made him look at the Cyclopes beside Jungkook.

The Cyclops in the chain mail loincloth walked over to Hosoek, who squirmed and tried to head-butt him in the eye.

"Can I take his gag off now? I like it when they scream." The question was directed at the third Cyclops, apparently the leader. The crouching figure grunted, and Loincloth ripped the gag off Hosoek's mouth.

Hosoek didn't scream. He took a shaky breath like he was trying to keep himself calm. Meanwhile, Yoongi had found what he wanted. He watched as Yoongi found, what he assumed to be the robotic crane's maintenance panel. Jungkook also watched him slipping a screwdriver
from his tool belt and going to work, but he had to go slowly. The leader Cyclops was only twenty feet in front of them. The monsters obviously had excellent senses.

He kind of guessed what Yoongi's plan was and there was no way they could pull that off without making a noise. Yoongi, though got to work. It's not like they have much of a choice.

The Cyclops in the toga poked at the fire, which was now blazing away and billowing noxious black smoke toward the ceiling. His buddy Loincloth glowered at Hosoek, waiting for him to do something entertaining. "Scream, boy! I like funny screaming!"

When Hosoek finally spoke, his tone was calm and reasonable, like she was correcting a naughty puppy, he had no idea how Hosoek was able to do that in that situation. "Oh, Mr.Cyclops, you seem like such nice guy. Don't you think it be much better if you let us go."

Loincloth turned to his friend in the fiberglass toga with a ugly smile. "Torque, did you hear that? The boy think I am a nice guy."

Torque, the dude in the toga, growled. "He meant me Sump. I am obviously better than you!" Sump and Torque started to argue, but the third Cyclops rose and shouted, "Fools!"

From his corner of eyes he saw Yoongi almost dropping his screwdriver. The third Cyclops was a female. She was several feet taller than Torque or Sump, and even beefier. She wore a tent of chain mail cut like those sack dresses. What'd they call that—a muumuu? Yeah, the Cyclops
lady had a chain mail muumuu. Her greasy black hair was matted in pigtails, woven with copper wires and metal washers. Her nose and mouth were thick and smashed
together, like she spent her free time ramming her face into walls; but her single red eye glittered with evil intelligence.

The woman Cyclops stalked over to Sump and pushed him aside, knocking him over the conveyor belt. Torque backed up quickly.

"The boy is trying to trick you," the lady Cyclops snarled. He really wished Jin was here to use some of his charm-speak.

Hosoek started to say, "Please, ma'am—"

"Rarr!" The lady Cyclops grabbed Hosoek around the waist.

"Don't try your pretty talk on me, boy! I'm Ma Gasket! I've eaten heroes tougher than you for lunch!"

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