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He finally managed to stab the spirit hopefully killing it. Jin was injured by his side. Namjoon and Taehyung was dancing around, he noticed, the last spirit. Lightning shot from the sky, which he didn't knew whether it was summoned by Taehyung or the spirit, hitting the deck.

"You have no idea how many enemies you have awakened half-bloods. My mistress will destroy all demigods. This war you cannot win." The spirit spoke.

He quickly noticed Jimin and Hosoek were nowhere to be found. Had they gone inside? He wondered confused. In the loud roar of wind he heard a voice faintly shouting which sounded like Jimin's.

He looked around panicked, finally noticing someone dangling from the deck. Before he could reach them another lightning struck. This time blasting the spirit up because the storm suddenly receded.

But he also noticed the moment after the  jerk of the ship the hand holding on was gone. He remembers screaming Jimin's name and then not a second later someone jumped off the deck past him, who he recognised as the son of sky.


He fell as fast as he can, willing the air to co-operate with him. He spotted them, but the two were not together. The must have left hands because the two were off in different directions. He wouldn't be able to save both of them, he knew. He saw them was falling straight over to a warehouse complex, Jimin falling a little to his right where he saw a reservoir.

"Jimin! The water!" He yelled. He prayed to the gods, the son of Poseidon would fall in the water.

"Hosoek, level out! Extend your arms and legs" he shouted. Hosoek listened.

He went straight for Hosoek, wrapping his hands around the other.

"We need to get Jimin." Hosoek shouted in his ears.

He tried to control the winds. Their fall slowed as he controlled the winds, but they still lurched up and down like the winds didn't want to cooperate.

"Gonna get rough," he warned. "Hold on!"

Hosoek locked his arms around him, and he shot toward the ground. Hosoek probably screamed, but the sound was ripped from his mouth.

His vision blurred. He guessed his face was reddened with strain as he tried to maintain an air cushion beneath them, but intermittent slow-downs were the best he could manage. He was already too tired from summoning those lightning. Rather than free-falling, it felt like they were bouncing down a giant staircase, a hundred feet at a time, which he felt wasn't doing Hosoek's stomach any favors.

As they wobbled and zigzagged, he could make out details of the factory complex below—warehouses, smokestacks, barbed-wire fences, and parking lots lined with dusty vehicles.

They hit the roof of the largest warehouse and crashed through into darkness.
Pain flared in his left ankle as he crumpled against a cold metal surface.
He must have let go off his hold on Hosoek because thankfully Hosoek didn't land on him.

The pain was bad, it turned his vision red. He heard Hosoek's voice calling out his name. He must must have found him as he felt hands patting his cheeks.

He opened his eyes and whimpered. "My leg." Hosoek looked at his ankle and winced.

"Shit. I think you broke your ankle."

"You think?" He spat sarcastically.

"Where is Jimin?" Hosoek asked panicked.

"I think he fell into the reservoir by the warehouse." He gritted out.

"I'll go find him. Then we can take you back to the ship. They should have landed already." Hosoek said helping him sit up. "Just stay here. I will come back soon."

Hosoek left. He heard him climb down the stairs. His feet didn't look too bad, but he knew it was broken. He didn't risk moving it.

He counted the seconds passing. He couldn't have passed 40 when something in the warehouse went bang!

The echo died. His heart pounded, but he didn't call out. His instincts told him it might not be a good idea. He stared at his splinted ankle. It's not like he can run.

Then he looked up again at the Monocle Motors sign. A little voice in his head pestered him, warning of danger.

He looked around the dark warehouse for anything to use as weapon. He had left his sword in the ship. He found a rusty steel pipe that had probably fallen with the debris around him.

Boom. The sound was closer this time, directly below him. His heart raced faster as he heard heavy steps on the stairs—like metal boots.

The steps didn't sound like Hosoek , but maybe he was carrying Jimin. Finally he couldn't stand it. Gripping the metal pipe, he called out, "Hosoek?"

"Yeah," Hosoek said from the darkness. "On my way up."

Definitely Hosoek's voice. So why did all his instincts say Run? With effort, he got to his feet, trying not to put weight on his injured leg.

The steps came closer. "It's okay," Hosoek's voice promised.

At the top of the stairs, a face appeared out of the darkness—a hideous black grin, a smashed nose, and a single bloodshot eye in the middle of his forehead.

"It's fine," the Cyclops said, in a perfect imitation of Hosoek's voice. "You're just in time for dinner."

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