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They had no idea where in Alaska they would find the god of peaceful death and a 40 feet tall anti-Hades Giant. They received help from Athena, the goddess of wisdom. They had to got to eastern Alaska, a part of Yukon.

The hundreds of nautical miles to the Hubbard Glacier by land was a hard and dangerous journey, but Argo II had no trouble. They flew across icy straits, past blue fjords and cliffs with waterfalls spilling into the sea. It seemed like only minutes before they moved over to a narrow bay. The water turned the consistency of shaved ice in blue sticky syrup. They watched from the ship, looking down at the turquoise floor. A half a mile away stood Hubbard Glacier. He couldn't quite process what he was looking at. 

Purple snowcapped mountains marched off in either direction, with clouds floating
around their middles like fluffy belts. In a massive valley between two of the largest peaks, a ragged wall of ice rose out of the sea, filling the entire gorge. The glacier was blue and white with streaks of black, so that it looked like a hedge of dirty snow left behind on a sidewalk after a snowplow had gone by, only four million times as large. He had felt the temperature drop. But now the ship slowed down, all that ice sending off waves of cold, turning the bay into the world's largest refrigerator. The eeriest thing was a sound like thunder that rolled across the water.

"What is that?" Hosoek gazed at the clouds above the glacier. "A storm?"

"No," Taehyung said. "Ice cracking and shifting. Millions of tons of ice."

"You mean that thing is breaking up?" Jin asked. As if on cue, a sheet of ice silently calved off the side of the glacier and crashed into the sea, spraying water and frozen shrapnel several stories high. A millisecond later the sound hit them—a BOOM, jarring."We can't get close to that thing!" Jin said.

"We have to," Namjoon said. "The giant is at the top."

"Okay! We are going up." Yoongi said from the control panel.The ship lurched forward again. The air grew colder. The crackling of the ice grew louder. As Argo II closed the distance, the glacier loomed so large, he getting vertigo trying to take it all in. The side was riddled with crevices and caves, spiked with jagged ridges like ax blades. Pieces were constantly crumbling off —some no larger than snowballs, some the size of houses.He decided he will shower Yoongi with praises and his gratefulness for building Argo II. There was no other way they could get on top of the peak without curtain of snow, coming crashing on top of them. The ship rose till above a ridge of ice that loomed over the void. The sea was now three hundred feet below them.The ship moved inland across the top of the glacier, crossing a chasm of fifty feet.

"There!" Hosoek pointed. The ship slowed down again. Ahead of them stood a frozen camp like a giant-sized ghastly replica of Camp Half blood. The trenches bristled with ice spikes. The snow-brick ramparts glared blinding white. Hanging from the guard towers, banners of frozen blue cloth shimmered in the arctic sun.There was no sign of life. The gates stood wide open. No sentries walked the walls. Still, Jimin had an uneasy feeling in his gut. 

The place felt as if the earth were trying to wake up and consume everything—as if the mountains on either side wanted to crush them and the entire glacier to pieces.

"Yoongi," Namjoon called, "how about we go on foot from here?" 

Yoongi must have sighed with relief. "Thought you'd never ask." 

They got down on the ice land climbing down the rope ladders, leaving Argo II in air, for safety. Yoongi was still on the ship following Namjoon's plan. He took some tentative steps. The ice seemed stable, covered with a fine carpet of snow so that it wasn't too slippery. Hosoek and Namjoon walked on either side of him, bow and sword ready.

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